
Showing posts with the label fire

What Strange Weather

  I feel like it is a safe guess to say that my family has been to Yellowstone at least 15 times from the time I was born and up until my father ’ s death.     I remember fires having closed Yellowstone Park – but never flooding.   This weather has been so strange. I know that I mentioned how tired I get each time the wind blows.   I don ’ t know why it has sent me into a coma so often – like I ’ m taking sleeping pills that knock me out into another week.   The fact that it really does happen is strange.   I also get hot whenever it rains.   When I am sound asleep and the rain is pounding on the roof, it is not the sound that wakes me up.     It is the rising temperature in my body.   Why does it do that?   Why would I get hot when the rain itself is so cold?   That is also strange.   I never referred to the summer as “ fire season ” until I mov...

Recapping the Last Four Weeks

          On March 18 I started a class in public communications.  My first assignment was to take (or make up) a situation from work and address it.  When I initially looked at it I had decided to speak on connecting parental support to the child’s behavior – but I had misread the point of the assignment.  Fortunately I decided to wait until Wednesday (the day of the lecture) before I started.           A teacher’s aide, for the most part, rotates among different classes.  The particular schedule I had followed on that day was 30 minutes each with kindergarten to 3 rd grade, most of the time with kindergarten.  Also, that particular position required me to monitor the 4 th grade during recess and their lunch.  I was with the kindergarten class when the fire alarm went off on Monday for a fire drill.            By Wednesday I ha...

Falling Into Place

            It's uncanny how much of my life or programs will fall into my path during courses I am taking, and I can use those experiences or episodes to tie into school discussions or assignments.  Take this week for example.  I have just started a class in communications and public speaking.  It started on Monday.  It was the same day that at least one of the elementary schools in our area had a fire drill.  I know this because I was there.             Yesterday the fire alarm went off again. Word came over the walkie-talkies that "Everyone needs to be out of the building. This is NOT a drill."  Some of the students heard that, but not everyone did.  The drill took place during class.  The more serious threat was during lunches.  The children were safe.  I suspected that the fire was not a major fire but more of a trash-fire although I had no way...

There was one Horrifying Moment

            Even before Jenna’s two friends and most of their family had perished in a fire (see  here  and  here ) I have been paranoid of open flames and space heaters and such. During the power outage we had candles.              At first, Roland had placed a candle in one of the sinks so that we could have light in the bathroom.  Gradually it moved above the sink so that we could use the sink without putting out the flame.  He made sure there were no towels near or anything that could catch on fire.  So a few days later when I told Jenna to do the same thing, Roland went with her to make certain that the area of the bathroom she picked would be safe.  She started her candle in the sink also.  But her sink is evidently shallower than ours and the faucet was made out of plastic which I hadn’t even known was a thing.    ...

Harvey is Not the Nation's Only Disaster

          Every time I sign onto facebook, I have been invited to donate to the relief fund for Harvey - as I'm sure all facebook users have.   I have never dealt with the aftermath of a hurricane or earthquake or tornado and hope I will never have to.   I don't know what it's like - but it sounds horrible.   It looks horrible.   I know that there are many who are suffering.   I'm certain that the current situation in Houston Texas is worse than my own in Myrtle Creek.             I do know what it's like to be surrounded by cold winds and how heavy snow can get.   I have had a small taste of a heat-wave.   I can deal with mold better than some.   I can actually better deal with strong and unpleasant odors as I have lost my sense of smell - although I can smell the smoke as it lingers through any air holes it may find - the opening and closing of...

Do You Think We’ll Have To Evacuate?

          We saw deer all the time after we first moved to Oregon.   They had wandered into the city to escape the fires that were burning their homes in the forest.   I don’t recall having seen as many deer in the last two years combined.   The fires seem greater this year than in 2015.           Shortly after our move to Oregon, I made up three evacuation bags. We kept them in the closet door right next to the front door. I felt quite fortunate that we’ve never had to use them.           When we moved again, Roland added to the evacuation bags making them three times as heavy. Because of their weight and a extremely small closet, they no longer seem as convenience to get to.   We found five can openers among our garage sale treasures.   I figured we had enough that we could put one in each bag (as all three bags cont...

The Fires are Closer than I had Thought

    Miss Jenna is off for the next four days after having gone to school for three.  Why not just start school on the 5th?            I left the window open last night.  Big mistake.  It is not yet three in the morning and my eyes and nose are going ballistic.  I should have known better.      I found this map earlier last month.       It maps out 17 different fires that have been burning throughout Washington and Oregon.  Since then I have counted over 25 in Oregon alone.      The map shows a cycling path - an event that takes place each year and includes cyclists from all over the world - who come from different states and even other nations to participate. We live approximately where the purple dot is.     I have read that the Horse Creek fire is just twelve miles outside of Riddle.  That is not that far....

Stop Complaining

The beds are dry Not all the river beds not all the way some have puddles It's hard to believe that they were near overflowing just four months ago. The haze comes and goes Lately . . . it lingers hard to breathe It's hot.   I think the smoke is holding in the heat I'm currently washing clothes It is hot enough to hang them on the line But won't the smoke defeat my purpose of having washed them in the first place. At least I have a choice to shut my door and keep the elements outside.   How horrible for those who have to deal with Hurricane Harvey and the mess left behind They can't close the door and leave it outside - the water and damage are still in their houses. Many possessions and loved ones gone. Should we have to evacuate, it will be due to smoke inhalation.   I don't think the fires will come. Why can't the elements even out so there are no floods...

Solar Eclipse and Weather

           With all the hype involved, I thought we would be seeing the cornoa.   Jenna and I were both disappointed that we didn't.   We were more impressed by the blood-red sun painted that way due to all the smoke.   Mornings are usually clear.   Not this morning.   Smoke makes fires appear closer than they are.   There are so many of them.   I like the feel of the pool in the morning - especially when we have had it to ourselves - though I do miss some of the other members of the class.   School starts next week and so it's understandable why we haven't seen those who are school teachers.             I have Jenna's agenda for yesterday stored on a file - but not ready to post.   I have to create a discussion post for my economic class (which I am NOT enjoying) and 100 word report on the summer reading program.   My blog posts will have to re...