
Showing posts with the label promises

Under Whose Authority?

They don’t look anything alike, but their ruling seems similar.   Donald Trump promoted HATE before he was voted into office – and yet there were so many who really believed in his promise to make Germany America “great again”   Now there are Nazis protester movements in other countries – supporting a cause that should never have been an issue. It should not matter if we are black, Jewish Chinese, American, Italian, red, orange, green Whatever! We are all a part of the human race – even though some may act like they’re not. I hope the protesters in other countries are more peaceful and don’t end in violent riots.   Our nation has a curfew just as those during World War II. Hitler wanted to keep his people in the dark by taking away their radios, limiting their transportation, taking away any freedoms that may have existed. Trump wants to do the same thing.   He sends messages to the nation by texting so that eve...

Truth Among Bibical Deception

            I have the hardest time teaching the old testament to children - the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac or all the lies and deceit that took place and seem contradictory to the message I am supposed to convey.   Yesterday's lesson was on Jacob and the 12 tribes.   The last time our class met, the lesson was on Jacob and Esau.   We related the account of how Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.   Rebecca dressed Jacob in goat skin in order to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing that was supposedly given in Esau's name             It's been suggested that both parents played along as it had been revealed when Rebecca was pregnant with the two that each twin would bear nations but that the elder would serve the younger.   Perhaps Rebecca and Isaac had put on the charade for Esau's sake.   It's still dece...