Under Whose Authority?

They don’t look anything alike,

but their ruling seems similar. 

Donald Trump promoted HATE before

he was voted into office – and yet

there were so many who

really believed in his promise to

make Germany America “great again”


Now there are Nazis protester movements

in other countries – supporting a cause

that should never have been an issue.

It should not matter if we are black, Jewish

Chinese, American, Italian, red, orange, green


We are all a part of the human race – even

though some may act like they’re not.

I hope the protesters in other countries are

more peaceful and don’t end in violent riots.


Our nation has a curfew just as those

during World War II.

Hitler wanted to keep his people

in the dark by taking away their radios,

limiting their transportation, taking away

any freedoms that may have existed.

Trump wants to do the same thing. 

He sends messages to the nation by

texting so that everybody with a

cell phone (or a smart phone anyway)

so they will see his message.


He doesn’t want citizens to have the right

to vote by mail.  That would mess up

his corrupted system. He wants to

get rid of facebook and twitter

as thought that is his right.


It isn’t just American’s who use

social media.  It’s a worldwide thing

for those who can afford it.

There will always be hackers

and creators.  People will find

a way to communicate.  If he

can use a system that will control

all private cell phones couldn’t another? 

Say someone smarter than him? 

Which is just about everybody.


And yet he’s part of the plan that

I had heard about since my youth.

It’s got to end.  Surely there couldn’t

be that many Trump supporters to

keep him in office again.

To keep our nation from



to repaired.


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