I'm Back!


In November Randy had mentioned that he would like to fly us out for Thanksgiving.  Didn’t happen.  I wasn’t surprised.  I was surprised when he sent ticket information to Roland in January to print up and fly out in June.  The tickets Randy had purchased were just one way and Roland paid for one way tickets from Buffalo to Medford after he received the agenda from Randy from Medford to Buffalo. And then COVID happened.  Well I suppose it was already taking place in China.  None of us knew that our lives would be disrupted just a couple of months later and plans would change.

Roland’s brother and sister-in-law had also made arrangements to send Roland’s mom out to Oregon for a visit in May.  The plans were cancelled in April.  We never saw her.  Roland asked if we should cancel our flight.  I thought we should weigh it out and make a decision and pray about it.  Truth is it is hard to get through to any business right now. All centers are experiencing high volume in calls due to COVID19.  Does not matter what business you are calling.

When people hear “New York” many assume it applies to the city which is barely a part of the state.  New York State has a population of almost nineteen and a half million people – at least before COVID.  Just over 8 million of the population reside in New York City.  That is a lot of people for such a tiny area. My son and family live in Niagra County about 7 hours NW of NYC.  

perhaps it's not an accurate illustration, but this is the 
gist of how everything relates to where we were 

The state had just started phase one two days before we arrived.  Masks were required to be worn in the few businesses that were open.  From what I observed the cities we went to were handling the pandemic a lot better than many of those who can be seen in Roseburg, Oregon. 

I think it was on the 15th or 16th that I looked upon the web for the daily count they’ve given for the different counties.  Douglas County had 30 cases.  That is what it had been when we left.  Yesterday’s news showed a 0 for 6 counties and 3 for Douglas.  What?  When did they start the numbers over?  3 cases since when?  And what happened to all the other counties that had once been included?

Over a week without internet, news stories, clocks, phones, etc.  It was peaceful.  Hard to come back – not to Oregon so much as reality.  I posted many of my pictures to facebook.  I had posted 7 albums – so I should have at least that many posts in me.  And they are in me.  I still need to get them out and post them.  Lots of pictures and maybe a day by day account.  Probably won’t start until Monday however – when Roland returns to work.  I seem to have neglected Roland and Jenna since our return.  Roland and I are both so tired still.  Jenna is upset.  She was hoping to stay in Salt Lake a bit since we had to switch planes anyway.  But it just didn’t work out for her/us.  Perhaps we can send her back for a visit.  Just as for everybody else in the world right now, we don’t know what the future holds from day to day.

Until Monday . . .


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