
Showing posts with the label connections

A sense of grief

                  I have twelve cousins – eight on my dad ’ s side and four on my mom ’ s.  My parents are each the eldest in their families.  Dad has a brother two years younger and baby sister (they are about twelve years apart).  My mom has two brothers.  All of my dad ’ s family lived in the Salt Lake area except for the few years that my Uncle and Aunt lived in Denver for a couple of years – that could be a different post and was several decades in the past.          My mom ’ s family lived in different parts of northern California.   My mom ’ s first brother and his wife had three children – a boy and two girls.   The youngest brother and his wife had adopted a boy.   We had visited our cousins on occasion but didn ’ t know much about them beyond their names. And even with that one I am not certain of his given name.   I had thought it was Joshua and th...

Who Are Jack and Louisa?

           So here is a family history find.   Jack Day Prather was born in Nicaragua to a single mother who had mentioned Jack’s father to him.   The name of his father is Ralph Prather – the same Ralph Prather that had married my Grandma Mary when my mom was sixteen.   At age eighteen Jack decided he wanted to go to the states and needed proof of his birth.   His birth certificate had him listed as Jack Day Garcia – no mention of a father or even his last name.   Thus when Jack arrived in the states he dropped the Prather/Garcia and passed himself off as Jack Day and has gone by that name ever since. Eventually Jack did have the desire to know his father – or the man he was told was his father and has been on a mission for many decades.   It’s too bad facebook and Google didn’t exist in the 70’s for both he and Ralph were living in California – though different parts.   He missed finding him. He did find Richard th...

Recycling Lights and Day 10

       Today ’ s Light of the World feature is to Highlight our hero on social media and just like last year ( here ) I think those who truly have Christ like attributes would NOT want to be showcased on social media.  Especially if they don ’ t see it in themselves.  Thus here is my post for day 10.         Jenna had an assignment in which she was to write an essay answering different questions about a book character or a personal ancestor.  She chose the latter and we found an ancestor I knew I had stories for.  She needed more words than the three stories combined. As we couldn't answer all the questions accurately we fudged a bit on  “ what might have been ” – it was quite a good essay, but not exact as we have no way of knowing if all the facts were actual – only that much of it was “ based on truth ” .         When Jenna learned what Day 10 would be she excitedly asked if she c...