
Showing posts with the label brainstorming

Invitation Answers post 1

          It has been less than a year since I graduated from the online college that I attended.   Recently I received an email from the school with an interest in candid photos in which I could share my personal story.   I am usually the one behind the camera – or was.   Jenna has taken over that job and has taken countless photos.   I don’t know that any of them say “success” as far as “look where our student is now”.             Included was a list of questions which I was more interested in answering with words than with photos.   The first five wanted reasons about why I had gone to college – specifically their school.   Umm . . . because my husband is an underpaid employee who works for your company and thus we took advantage of getting an expensive education for his time.             Roland had majored ...

My Mind is Full and Spilling Over

Two more classes Math and English Why did I accept the math I hate math Ironically I'm going for my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting But I learn and I grow English this time the grade I receive in class will affect my GPA Triggers I watched the lecture last night everything is connected this week assignment discussion my last two classes brainstorming mapping outline free writing write a discussion post attend live lecture sorting through photos as I listen never get away with that at  a desk in school instructor makes comments more triggers. My mind's racing Never experienced that with math. Never brainstormed about math it gives me nightmares my mind is spilling over brainstorming maybe a sentence or two more than just an assignment a letter a post thoughts floating in and out of my head usually out Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with my thoughts.

Stand By Until Further Notice

I have at least four more post ideas.  But I need to continue packing. We will be moving in two weeks.  I hope I don't forget what it is I need/want to post. Any breaks I take will not be long enough - especially now that Jenna is off for the summer.

Flooded With Thoughts . . . again

After two weeks my head is full of thoughts again.   Granted they are different thoughts but still enough swimming through my mind and it’s overflowing with new thoughts new ideas unlike the ones before this month started.   Thoughts about my mom’s farewell departure and about the change in song and why and how happy I was that Joh got to sing “Smile” instead of “Embraceable You” which evidently was mom’s favorite, but I like “Smile” better and I love Joh’s voice and he gave such an awesome introduction as to why he was singing it.   He didn’t say that   “Embraceable You” is not acceptable music to sing in the chapel. I think Corey was upset, but I quite enjoyed it.   I’m certain that my mom did too.

My Brain is Spilling Over

My head is so full that the words are spilling over and I can’t write or type them in as quickly as I think I’m thinking them. Not to mention that Jenna continues to interrupt my every thought.   School starts tomorrow!   I think much better when I am by myself. There was too much I had wanted to respond to as I posted a comment to a blog I had read yesterday.   I certainly didn’t wish for my comment to be larger than the post itself and so tried to sum up everything that was going through my mind.   Didn’t work.   I did a copy paste and deleted my original comment and reposted a few paragraphs – though there still exists an epistle in my mind. I am overwhelmed with ideas for post subjects (though not many titles) and I’ve been brainstorming and adding sentences and moving words around.   Thus far I have at least six different post ideas.   That doesn’t count the fifteen plus ideas that I already have in my files.   So I...