My Brain is Spilling Over
My head is so full that the words are spilling
over and I can’t write or type them in as quickly as I think I’m thinking them.
Not to mention that Jenna continues to interrupt my every thought. School starts tomorrow! I think much better when I am by myself.
There was too much I had wanted to respond to as I
posted a comment to a blog I had read yesterday. I certainly didn’t wish for my comment to be
larger than the post itself and so tried to sum up everything that was going
through my mind. Didn’t work. I did a copy paste and deleted my original comment
and reposted a few paragraphs – though there still exists an epistle in my
I am overwhelmed with ideas for post subjects
(though not many titles) and I’ve been brainstorming and adding sentences and
moving words around. Thus far I have at
least six different post ideas. That
doesn’t count the fifteen plus ideas that I already have in my files.
So I have elaborated somewhat on my comment to Jake
Abhau (which I won’t post on his blog but my own), but still nowhere
Just returned from a back-to-school night
featuring “the Leader in Me”. I was so
proud of Jenna as she preformed the seven habits. (I have written absolutely
nothing about this subject yet)
Another book review
Biff’s major personality adjustment
Analyzing the constant weeping of women (at least
this one)
How awesome it is to step outside and pick a fresh
And then there will be the events of whatever
today brings. Jenna’s last day of summer
vacation. My head is spilling over. I’m
overwhelmed right now.
I just hope that I do actually go through with
what’s in my mind and somehow get it sorted.
I remember Corey had created a post when his head was full and said he
would like to create posts for various subjects. Never happened. I was so looking forward to reading his
thoughts about Jenna’s baptism. But it
never got written.
I suppose I can always delete this. Right now I seem to be posting this just for
the sake of posting. I’m not really
saying anything . . . .
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