
Showing posts with the label Sacrament meetings

Yesterday's Church Services

                 When we are baptized we take upon ourselves the name of Christ – which means we will do our best to follow his example. The purpose of the sacrament is that it allows renewal of covenants made at baptism.  We have sacrament meetings so that we can partake of the bread and water – which in itself does not require the entire time we are at sacrament meeting but rather a fraction. Every sacrament meeting which I have personally attended has had an opening song, opening prayer and announcements followed by a song for the sacrament, the sacramental prayers and the passing of the sacrament.  That is until yesterday.  Because the ward had decided to broadcast the meeting for those unable to attend in person, the sacrament was held at the end of the meeting. Once a month the congregation are invited to bear their testimonies – express their gratitude for the gospel, share their faith, etc.  Yesterday j...

Sing Your Favorite Hymn

          Last week we were short a speaker.   The counselor who was conducting the meeting announced that he would be calling on some members from the audience to share their testimonies.   It reminded me of a time when I had lived in mom's ward and what took place when the speakers were absent. The bishop at the time would conduct special meetings that became quite popular with the youth - though I can only remember being in attendance for two of the meetings.           He had announced that the scheduled speakers hadn't shown for whatever reason and apologized to the organist for not having made arrangements with her, but had invited each member in attendance to think of our favorite hymn and if we felt prompted to do so, we could each take a turn coming up to the stand to say what our favorite hymn was and why we liked it.   We would then sing the hymn as a congre...

Perhaps It’s Just Easier to Honor than to Be Honored

          As a child, my perspective of Mothers’ Day was certainly different than it is now.   Mothers’ Day meant going to the store with dad to pick out a gift to give to mom.   Mothers’ Day meant singing to my mom on Sunday.   Mothers’ Day meant going to Grandma’s – often seeing my cousins.   Mothers’ Day meant more than just hot dogs for dinner – though from a child’s point of view that may have been the more satisfactory dinner. I don’t know how my mom felt about Mothers’ Day.   I think that she enjoyed being honored.   Did she feel honored?   My mom, overall, was a positive person.   I don’t remember when she wasn’t smiling or showed gratitude on Mothers’ Day.   I know she enjoyed being a mother.   And she enjoyed visits from the grandchildren on Mothers’ Day. Peggy, who lived across the street, loathed Mothers’ Day – or so that seemed to be what was projected. ...