When We’re Predictable - Badges and Suits

Our Sunday School lesson focused on the latter-day prophets and apostles. Before getting into the lesson we were asked to share any encounters we may have had with any. Melodie told about seeing Pres. Monson at a Jazz game and waiting for the elevator with his party. They were dressed in suits at the Jazz game. They are dressed in suits every time they are in public. It’s an image that we perceive. Could we view them as God’s mouth pieces if they were dressed in tee shirts and jeans? Perhaps. They are human beings with their own thoughts but do represent so much more. Long before being ordained as president, the then Elder Monson had come into Snelgrove’s ice cream parlor with some companions. Burnt Almond Fudge was a popular ice cream with the general authorities. President Benson would order a dish of BAF –...