
Showing posts with the label pillow pet

To Be a Kid Again

         My mom had given Jenna a pillow pet for Christmas seven years ago.   Jenna loved that pillow pet and treated it as though it were a living breathing creature.   I had recently been reminded of this when I read about her first day back to school after the new year.             Before she left the house, she had made me promise that I'd watch her pillow pet (Fudge) and told me what movies it liked to watch and what kind of game it (he) liked to play.   I had actually placed "Fudge" back in her room with a coloring book and crayons.   I decided it would fall asleep and continue to "nap" until she got home.   I did not play games with it (him).           When I shared this experience on facebook one commenter suggested that I shift things around a bit, mess up the room and tell her that Fudge did it and she would have to...