
Showing posts with the label victims

Sending out my prayers

                 We passed a horrific accident returning home from the ward luncheon.  I don’t know how many people were involved or how many hurt.  I saw a stretcher out by a car in the ditch.  Ahead was a van all smashed up.  It had to have been going pretty fast to have been that smashed up – or perhaps it had been the other car that hit on the way to the ditch (I guess I don’t even know what direction the ditch car was facing)             We had to slow down as we passed.   Tears formed in my eyes.   I don’t know what happened.   I would guess it could have been prevented.   I feel bad for the victims.   I hope things will be resolved and health will be restored.

When Integrity Is Questioned

             Something that irks me more than anything is when my integrity is questioned – especially when it is by one who knows me – or I thought knew me. I can think of only one example though I know that more exist.   The one example I can think of happened so many years ago it’s a wonder I do remember it.           I was working for Standard Brands at the time.   My position was cashier and I took a clients money, set it on top of the register, counted back her change, removed the ten dollar bill from the top of the register, checked out the letter and first three digits of the serial number (a trick my brother had taught me) and then she told me that she had given me a twenty.   I looked at the only twenty in my drawer and compared the serial number to what ten laid on top.   She had given me a ten – not a twenty.   But she went over my head and got a manager who seemed to...