
Showing posts with the label Biff

They Call Me Mary Cooper

            Young Sheldon is a spin-off CBS ’ s popular TV series Big Bang Theory starring Jim Parson as Sheldon Cooper.  Young Sheldon is also narrated by Jim Parson who explains further about himself and his family.  His mom is Mary Cooper, a very religious woman who often turns to God and encourages her children to do the same.  I, too, encourage others to allow God to be a part of their lives by thanking Him or asking Him for assistance.  For example we each had a chaotic day yesterday though I think Claire and Biff had more unexpectancies to deal with.          One of our lights had busted at the front of our car – we don ’ t even know when or how but finally got around to asking someone to look at it.   We had an appointment for yesterday.   Richard was going to take it in and have me follow – only the other car wouldn ’ t start.   We tried starting it on our own a few t...

Loaded Paintbrushes and the Rest of the Story

After we had purchased the house Roland put the boys to work painting the trim red. That was seven years ago. Time to paint again. Randy needs money and Roland puts all three boys to work and says he’ll pay them 100 dollars each as soon as the work is done. The instructions are fairly simple:  Everything that is red needs to be painted over in green, everything that’s white needs to be repainted white. Biff was the first to show. He works graveyard and comes straight from his job though two weeks ago I think he went to the gym before coming here Roland had to work that day and so I had told Tony that he could be in charge I didn’t want Randy to be in charge because most of the time he doesn’t even know what he’s doing as he has managed to disappear each time Roland taught the boys a trade Randy appears to be genuine about helping or at least that was the case two weeks ago But he loaded the paintbrush so that it d...

Creative Journaling – photos are less than a thousand words

     I’ve always been an advocate of journal writing – but especially now that mom has passed.        After we put my mom into assisted living and were cleaning out her house in order to sell it, my brother, Corey, took mom’s journals with him to Las Vegas and has been transcribing them ever since.   He also took a couple of boxes of photographs. There have been several parts of her journal which have corresponded with unlabeled photos or have provided memories that have had us thinking, “Oh, yea.”      Other passages have given us more insight to our overly quiet dad.   And lately – mom’s emotions about caring for dad mirroring our own with caring for her.   It’s been a rather interesting journey.        Some journal entries often seem boring and it feels pointless to even write about.   Journal entries written by teens can often sound funny or dishea...


Biff has always kept his body in great shape inside and out.   I wish I could say the same for his room.   I don’t have a picture of how it looked before I started cleaning.     These pictures truly represent half-way done.    Anyone who has been in Biff’s room can tell you that this is the cleanest it has looked from the day we moved in. Actually it was clean one other time.   I took a picture for evidence.   But somehow I have misplaced that evidence.   Doesn’t matter.   I told Jenna that when David moved out, she could move into his room.   Not that her room looks any better I had eight garbage bags FULL of Biff’s stuff (clothes mostly) I think three or four full of garbage.     And four loads of towels.   FOUR LOADS.   This is a fraction of what I washed         Jenna’s room was fine when we moved in four and a half ye...

Needing to be Needed

Earlier in the summer of this year my eldest son Biff went to Texas to see his “girlfriend” Hailey – who I had never heard him ever mention before.   He couldn’t have been home more than two weeks when he hooked up with Jeanie.   He started out texting her and then spending time with her – once, twice a week which eventually turned into daily and is hardly even at home anymore.   Sometimes an entire week will go by before I see him – or even talk to him. He did call last night to report his engagement.   No surprises there.   A date has not been set so I’m thinking an elopement is still possible as they had talked about that several times before the engagement.   Biff has always kept his body in great shape.   He eats healthy foods.   He used to retire to bed early (6:00 pm at the time I met Roland, I kid you not) and rise early (4:00 a.m.) but working graveyard has changed that.   I think he’s slippe...

Weekends in Syracuse

       Jenna is loud!  Even when she is quiet for her, she is still loud by definition.  I think that's one reason Biff is gone.        My eldest son, Biff, has a girlfriend in another county.   He says 45 minutes away.   I haven’t driven it. But it is where he current girlfriend lives.   He drives there on Saturday afternoon and doesn’t return home until late Monday night – I would guess at the same time that Jeanie leaves for work . . .          He works on Saturday nights which means he is commuting from Syracuse to Sandy – that’s quite a commute.   And expensive.   Good thing Biff is using his own gas and not mine and Roland’s.   Not that he’d have our permission.   If you’re an avid follower you may recall from this post that Biff is supposed to be out of the house.          Bef...