Needing to be Needed

Earlier in the summer of this year my eldest son Biff went to Texas to see his “girlfriend” Hailey – who I had never heard him ever mention before.  He couldn’t have been home more than two weeks when he hooked up with Jeanie.  He started out texting her and then spending time with her – once, twice a week which eventually turned into daily and is hardly even at home anymore.  Sometimes an entire week will go by before I see him – or even talk to him.

He did call last night to report his engagement.  No surprises there.  A date has not been set so I’m thinking an elopement is still possible as they had talked about that several times before the engagement.


Biff has always kept his body in great shape.  He eats healthy foods.  He used to retire to bed early (6:00 pm at the time I met Roland, I kid you not) and rise early (4:00 a.m.) but working graveyard has changed that.  I think he’s slipped a little on some things – but nothing extreme.

The members of Jeanie’s family (from what I understand) have poor eating habits and are not in the best physical condition.  Jeanie has already lost two sibs to health issues – both were in their 30’s when they passed.  Jeanie’s 31.

Biff has single handedly tried to change the family’s eating habits – especially Jeanie’s.  She’s been sick though – faints a lot.  I don’t know if it’s in trying to change her deit and her body’s going through some kind of shock or if it’s a hereditary things and she could pass away early in their marriage – or live for an additional 20 years as had Bill (my brother-in-law)’s first wife who had a tremendous amount of health issues basically all of her life.

Bill loved AnnaLeigh.  I don’t believe he has any regrets.  And I don’t imagine Biff will either – should he have to face them.  I think Roland is concerned that Biff does not know Jeanie all that well nor has an understanding of the health issues at hand.  But I’m fine that Biff is okay with it and that he is well aware of what he is walking into.

A couple can walk into marriage both in awesome health, and one could catch a virus or get hit by a bus or some other accident and not be prepared for something that may bring such a drastic change.  Biff at least is aware of what he’s getting into.  And it’s not like Roland has set the standards of waiting to propose.  He thinks Biff ought to have a long engagement.  I think Biff needs to go with his heart.  Kudos for loving unconditionally.


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