
Showing posts with the label behavior

Welcome to the Superstition of Friday the 13th

 Today is Friday the 13 th .  Mandated mask restarts today.  I would have not made the connection if Jenna hadn’t been so vocal about it. A year and a half ago (also Friday the 13 th ) we had our last day of school and were sent home for the remaining of the year.  They opened up too soon in my opinion.  Trump had bullied them and they willingly followed.  Now our kids are sick.  Our hospitals are filled up again.  Some say the pandemic is worse than last year when they sent us home. “We are a rural county” some say.   “We shouldn’t have to mask up as the larger cities do.”   Really?   Everybody in our county just stays in our county?   No traveling to Lane County?   Roland went to Lane County just the other day.   I heard that our county has the most cases and the least amount of beds.   Granted, there is only one hospital besides the VA.   We managed an RS activity last night – I would guess our last o...