
Showing posts with the label flags

Wooden Eggs for School – Killing Two Birds With One Stone.

                 My mind is so full right now.  I fear the ideas that are in my head may not make it to a post for this blog so let me start with the most recent . . .           Myrtle Creek Visitors Association had posted to facebook about an upcoming Easter Egg hunt – which Jenna has been looking forward since our “ business activity ” on St. Patrick ’ s Day.   This time 12 specific businesses hiding a wooden egg.   And Jenna has been determined to find them all.   Though we physically entered more than half of the businesses, we had only hunted in five – well – she had hunted.   I am not great at picking out items when they are in my face let alone having to physically look for them.             This morning Jenna was at her photograph class and learned she had to pick an assignment to do.   There were at lea...

Aliens in my Mouth

                I don’t know how many months I have lived with this incredible pain on the bottom right side of my mouth.   I wasn’t even sure which tooth was causing the pain.   The last time I was at the dentist earlier this year, I pointed into my mouth at where I thought it was – somewhere between my wisdom tooth and front teeth.   But when the dentist touched each tooth and moved toward the front, the pain became more severe.   I made an appointment to have my teeth looked at by a dentist I had never been to before (one who is in our insurance network whereas the other is not) not realizing that Monday was a holiday and both Roland and Jenna would be off for Veteran’s Day.           In Salt Lake, Veteran’s Day seemed like just another excuse to take time off, whereas in Oregon, they really go all out to honor those who served our countr...

Riddle Celebrates

this flag hangs in our yard Veteran Memorial at Millsite Park                For every Federal Holiday and each holiday honoring Veterans though may not be observed by others (I had not been aware of all of the "flag" holidays that Myrtle Creek observes) Myrtle Creek lines the streets and bridges with flags.   South Umpqua Bridger Exit 108             The mayor credits the Elks for putting out the flags.   I don't know how early they are put out. Though the flags come out every 4th of July, Myrtle Creek itself seems like a ghost town.   People go out of town.   I don't know where they go.   Riddle, perhaps?     not the best pic, but the only one I can find of bridge on Exit 106             Poor Jenna.   Her parents are tired old fuddy-duddys who don't celebrate as we did when we were young...

The Attack of Pearl Hairball

The attack on Pearl Harbor was devastating.   A surprise military attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941. The base was attacked by 360 Japanese fighter planes, bombers, and torpedo planes in two waves, launched from six aircraft carriers. The Japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, and almost 200 airplanes. More than 2,300 Americans were killed and another 1,000 were wounded(from Trivia Today )  Jenna had a first grade teacher that I'm sure must have mentioned it - though not in detail.   Jenna obviously hadn't stored it into her memory and appeared to be experiencing a dyslexic moment as she read the card.   She was eight at the time we were playing a game with my mom (which I have mentioned here )   It wasn't her intention to be disrespectful.   She hadn't realized the errors of her ways un...