
Showing posts with the label coronavirus

A Frustration Many Share - Apparently Not Enough

                  I had heard that Portland was making all of their education virtual.  Other areas have had the option of returning to a brick and mortar school or continuing online.  There have been reported cases and temporary school closures. Are you kidding me?  Temporary? The announcement is as follows:  “               school will be closed today as one or more students have tested positive for the coronavirus.  The school will be closed tomorrow in order for a deep cleaning . . .”  Really?  The school is going to be closed so that disinfected and rid of all germs so that it will be safe to return the following day?  Give me a break!  One school was closed as it was understaffed and unable to find instructors.  Well, duh?  My concern about reopening schools has always been for the instructors as I had believed they’d ...

Perhaps It Was a Conspiracy Theory

                  I often wonder if Trump didn ’ t pay off the Chinese (or make another hollow promise to pay) to create a virus that would infect the entire planet (villain proof of course) knowing that it would eventually make its way to the U.S. before elections took place.  Trump would pronounce himself to continue as president and not hold an election until after the virus had disappeared.  What a JERK!  The absolute worst president in American history.  Should NOT be worthy of the title president.  Should be the part of history that gets erased.  Remove his name from the title.  He ’ s a villain!  Presidents should not be villains!         Donald Trump and Joe Biden are three and a half years apart.   Three years!   Not three decades.   Pharisees act like they ’ re decades apart and Trump has a much younger and fresher mind.   He is quite ju...