
Showing posts with the label wedding dos and don'ts

That's What I'm Talking About

     The Hallmark Channel has aired a new movie this month. It is called "Ms. Matched"  and I was absolutely thrilled about a book put out by Shawn Roberts character, Ben Reynolds.  I think every girl ought to run out and get this book and take it to heart before she stupidly spends a fortune on ONE NIGHT !  Holy Cow.             The story starts out at a Bridal Expo in which Libby and her business partner, Michelle, are trying to promote their wedding planning skills, along with many others who are promoting cakes, gowns, invitations, what have you.  The wonderful expense of being a bride.             I remember going to a Bridal Expo with my second daughter-in-law.  I was horrified and appalled at the costs and expenses and hoopla and waste.  Ben Reynolds explains that it is possible to create sim...