
Showing posts with the label Coos Bay

Lodging for One Night

Bandon is a few hundred less in population than is Myrtle Creek.   Unlike Myrtle Creek, Bandon draws crowds of people and tourism.   Thus Bandon offers a variety of lodging including hotels and beach houses to rent.   Denny Dyke and his team create these amazing labyrinth pathways called Circle in the Sand.   My friend had gone and told me that I should go because “it is so cool” (see here and  here ).           The last two days on schedule for this year were September 1 and 2, but nothing offered August 31 which is when Labor Day weekend started.   Because we hadn’t gone anywhere during the time that Roland had off, he felt gypped out of having stayed elsewhere over night.   Because there was no room in Bandon, we had found lodging in Coos Bay.           After checking in to the hotel, we all went swimming.    ...

Cool on the Coast

My mom would often tell us that when my brother Patrick was younger, his absolute favorite story (book) that he enjoyed reading was Joan Heilbroner's "Robert the Rose Horse" I would guess because it was a book he could follow and repeat as it was being told "His eyes began to itch, His nose began to itch. And . . .   ACHOO . . "             I was thinking about that last night as I was taking a shower trying to wash the itch away from the rest of my body.   I probably should not have gone to the pool yesterday.   The air temperature was about 10-20 degrees warmer than it has ever been (since I started taking classes anyway) though the water itself was a nice temperature.   I think I breathed in too much nasty air.               I had come to Oregon to get away from nasty air. I think I have used more eye drops this summer than I hav...

Spontaneous Jaunt to Sunset Bay

          The Red Cross in Roseburg is open on Monday and Friday only except for in the event of holidays, and then the center will be opened on another day.  Tomorrow, for instance, is the national holiday for declaring independence.  The center will not be open tomorrow and so they were open for five hours yesterday.           Roland and I both made appointments so that we could donate.  Jenna, who was covered in mosquito bites, felt like she already had.  One difference was that neither Richard nor I itched after donating.           My sister and her family are visiting us next week.  Jenna really wants us to take her cousins to the beach - which is about a one and a half to two hour drive from where we live.  It was a spontaneous decision for us to just decide to go from Roseburg to Coos Bay and then to Suns...