
Showing posts with the label movies

Going for Nostalgia

                 On Monday we met with a gal that we had gone to Church with when we lived in West Valley.   She said the ward has now been dissolved.   Oh, that makes sense.   The last time I attended in 2017 the numbers were down and the ward page has since disappeared from facebook.           Christy teaches at a school in Magna.   We took the bus out there and had a Mexican lunch.   It was nice to visit with her and catch up on some happenings. After we parted ways Jai and I took the bus back to Fairbourn and went to the library and took some pictures – two of which are found in this post             Jaime had conned Todd into taking her to see Coraline at the theater. He drove her and his two eldest to meet his niece who worked at the theater and they watched it together.   Afterwards Jaime treat...

Well That Seems Presumptuous of You

            Since they moved in Claire has just taken over where they put things and when it will get put away.   Biff just goes along with it.   They had invaded our   fridge with Ally’s medicine – even after they had hooked up their own.   After Richard and I returned home from Costco one day I took it upon myself to move the remainder of Ally’s medicine into their small fridge and told them that I needed our fridge for actual food. Richard and I had to restack their items that they put in my brand new shed.   Exploded and unorganized.   It still is, but at least Richard was able to make some space for our things.   On the plus side we are finally able to get to the Christmas tree.   So kudos to them for that – I guess.   Still haven’t found a home for the fish tank which takes up so much room.   They don’t need to hang on to all that they brought with them.   Why did they bring it?   But ...

Catching Up on Some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs

I was on my computer Tuesday morning when I received a call from one of the schools.   It was 8:35 and the shift started at 9:00.   It was for the school that is farthest away, but I thought I could be there on time.   At that point I didn’t know if I’d be working with the elementary or middle school age children.   I wish it had been the older kids instead of the younger ones. I was over my sore throat but still had that darn dry cough, and because I was using my voice all day (except for recess) my cough became stronger and my throat started hurting again.   I did not work yesterday. The RS presidency meets once a week.   Initially they met on Monday but had changed it to Wednesday to accommodate me.   I don’t particularly enjoy working on Wednesdays as it is the short day and school lets out at the same time I get off.   I’d rather not deal with school traffic – which I don’t on any other day.   If I know there is not going to be...


           Every third Wednesday the Roseburg cinema reserves a theatre for the senior members of the community to see a recent feature.   The theatre doors open at noon during school but at 9:00 am during summer.   Roland decided we would head to the theatre, return to the house after the movie ended, collect Jenna and go and see Crater Lake.   Before the movie started there was the education and ticket drawing.   My ticket (or Roland’s ticket – I had them both) won a coupon for Lighthouse Bakery and Café which neither of us had been to or had even heard of for that matter.   Crater Lake got cancelled as it was pouring.   I was more excited about the rain than my disappointment in seeing the lake again (neither Jenna nor Roland have ever seen it in person).   Roland had heard that admission to the park would be free on Sunday.   By the time church had ended, Roland just didn’t feel like making the trip. ...

Allow Me To Back Up a Bit . . .

           We had made arrangements with a local photographer to take some head shots of Jenna; we had planned to meet at Millsite on Monday morning.   We arrived at the park about 8:45 to find it packed with Bible Camp participants.   We texted the photographer to let her know and that we were headed to another park.   She took several shots before we parted ways . . . well, sort of.   Each of us was headed to the library but arrived at different times.           We assisted with the children’s reading program before Jenna and I left to return home. After six we drove to the blueberry farm as I believed Evelyn was expecting us.   We were told we could stay and pick and probably we should have stayed an hour at least, but we left and said we’d return the next morning.           Neither Jenna nor I were in a hurry to go home and so sto...

I was able to shed Rabbit!!!

        On July 27, 2012 I had created this post comparing my husband, his children and I to the personalities of the 100 acre wood and had dubbed myself as Rabbit because he is always so uptight.   He may have mellowed a bit from Walt Disney's animation to computerized animation used in the 2018 movie "Christopher Robin".   But as the focus was not about Rabbit but only made a brief appearance along with Owl, Kanga and Roo, it's hard to say.           I, on the other hand, am a lot more mellow.   I haven't been uptight since moving to Oregon.   I feel free.   I don't feel trapped.   The wonders of breathing clean air.   I'm not as organized as Rabbit - though I would like to be. I still don't care for gardening - though I do eating produce fresh from the garden.   We failed at having a garden in 2018, but should be back on track this year.     ...

World Culture and Featured Films

            The class I am currently taking is a social studies class which was not part of the curriculum I had pulled from the 2016 student catalog.   Apparently, it's one that has recently been introduced into the system.   Many of the other students whose names I see are ones that I recognize from several classes before.                            Most of the videos I have been watching are ones I can relate to the class - well sort of.   I have actually used one as a reference already.   Friendship Field is a story that takes place in Idaho.   Three sisters are obligated to work the farm as the youngest sister, Iris who goes by Ira, enjoys he last summer of "freedom" as she will be obligated to work the following year.   Meanwhile, a family from Mexico, hard on their ...

No Dice

                I don't know how old the "Feature Films for Families" is.   The earliest date I can find for my research is 1991.   But it seems like my mom purchased films through the company long before then.   Perhaps I am mixed up with my memory thinking that Kayla and Corey were still in elementary school, but maybe it was 1991 and the children were Ellen and Kimball.                                 I remember "Banjo, the Woodpile Cat" which I believed was an original of the FFFF company as the story takes place in Payson, Utah before Banjo runs away to Salt Lake City.   According to Wikipedia ( here ), the release date was December 21, 1979.   It makes more sense that FFFF got its start in the 70s rather than in the 90'...

That movie went on and on . . . the plot, Forgotten

          The cinema movie offered to the seniors this week was Dunkirk - which Roland wanted to go and see, but it was on Wednesday which overall is NOT the best day for me - especially when I have two classes.   Roland was finishing up his assignment and Corey was coming to town (and there is no movie that I would rather see over my brother, Corey) and I wasn't going to jeopardize that!   Roland's plan was to take me on a date to the theatre last night.   Unfortunately the last showing was on Thursday, and so we ended up not going to the big city of Roseburg.             Instead we decided to go rent movies from Redbox.   We drove to the   one located by McDonald's.   I was watching two men, one in a cherry picker and one in the McDonald's sign - which actually looks further up in the air when there is a cherry picker and crew inside the sign....

Shop, Summer, Mail

        Sometime between the birth of brother Corey and the arrival of my sister Kayla, my parents decided to finish the basement.   I moved from my upstairs bedroom to the coolness of the basement.   They also had a phone put in at the end of the hall next to the laundry room.         I don't know how old I was, but suspect it was after I had graduated high school when I heard the phone ring.   Mom had already answered the upstairs phone by the time I got to it.   Out of curiosity, I went upstairs to inquire about the phone call.   Mom said that it was her visiting teaching partner and she'd be leaving pretty soon.         She had just started watching the movie "The Shop Around the Corner" with Margaret Sullivan and James Stewart and asked me to continue watching it for her so that I could tell her what she had missed.   We had a VCR, I think I...

The Things We Learn

          In these two posts ( here and here ) I mentioned how much Jenna loves learning about her family members. Until we had played Chatter Matters, she hadn't known that Roland used to play the trombone - or anything about his childhood really.   Usually it's just her and I, but she did manage to rope Roland into playing with us between conference.   After she won the game, we continued to go through the "family room" and "my room" cards so that Jenna could know Roland a little better. It reminded me of when my sibs and I would force the Ungame questions upon my dad.           My parents actually did three listed on the card - hiking was more of a seasonal activity   or annual thing - and it was usually a part of either a daytip or full vacation so the specific places we hiked were Yellowstone National Park or Timpanogos Cave in American Fork, Utah.  ...