Catching Up on Some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs

I was on my computer Tuesday morning when I received a call from one of the schools.  It was 8:35 and the shift started at 9:00.  It was for the school that is farthest away, but I thought I could be there on time.  At that point I didn’t know if I’d be working with the elementary or middle school age children.  I wish it had been the older kids instead of the younger ones.

I was over my sore throat but still had that darn dry cough, and because I was using my voice all day (except for recess) my cough became stronger and my throat started hurting again.  I did not work yesterday.

The RS presidency meets once a week.  Initially they met on Monday but had changed it to Wednesday to accommodate me.  I don’t particularly enjoy working on Wednesdays as it is the short day and school lets out at the same time I get off.  I’d rather not deal with school traffic – which I don’t on any other day.  If I know there is not going to be a meeting, I can accept an assignment.

After the meeting, Roland and I drove up to Roseburg to see the movie “Ad Astra” – what a waste.  I really liked “Space Cowboys” made almost 20 years before the release of “Ad Astra”.  Did not care for “Ad Astra” at all.  For one thing, the light fading in and out on the screen bothered my eyes.  Sitting for more than one hour and twenty minutes was killing my behind.  I finally got up just to go to the bathroom and check the snack bar for something that might help my throat.  Didn’t find anything, but it was worth a shot. 

Then I heard my stomach growl.  I was hungry.  I wanted real food – not candy or popcorn.  They sold hot dogs for 5.50.  5.50!  Flip! I would have gone elsewhere, but none of the nearby locations sell any kind of food.  There was a half hour left until the movie let out.  I ordered a hot dog.  It took 15 minutes just to make the dang thing.  Can you imagine? Good thing there were no other patrons standing in line – well, there was no line.  I was it.  Everyone else was in the theater.

I can’t believe everybody sat through it.  I didn’t hear anyone say it was good or they liked it.  I had only seen one other person leave before it ended.  Roland didn’t like it.  He should have left sooner and come out and found me. 

Today I am going to the coast with a friend.  I am not even going to bother looking for work today.  I told Roland that I would, but I don’t want my throat to start aching again.  I think being closer to the ocean today may assist in my healing.  Let us hope so anyway.

Sorry for the non-exciting post.



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