A Light at the End of the Road

          Garden Valley Blvd runs northeast to the north. It loses the name “boulevard” and becomes just “road” somewhere before the Riverdale Grange and winds and turns along with Umpqua River.  I don’t know if where Umpqua starts and Roseburg ends.  The Lighthouse Center Café and Bakery is on Fort McKay at the end of Garden Valley.  According to Google, it takes only 20 minutes to get from one end of the street to the other.  It is more like 25 – 30 minutes.

          In this post I mentioned having a winning ticket at the drawing that is held before the Wednesday movie starts.   We had driven out there at the end of August during Roland’s staycation.  We did not have the coupon, but we had driven so far out of the city and into the country and outskirts of civilization that we had to order something.

          Roland decided he wanted to drive out there yesterday as we were in Roseburg anyway (it’s still a 20-minute drive from the intersection of Stewart and Garden Valley which makes it a 40 minute drive from Myrtle Creek).  We arrived two minutes before it closed thus we still haven’t used our coupon.

          Here are some photos I took the first time we went out:

North Umpqua River

Jenna thinks Oregon should call itself "home of the blackberry bushes"

grapes behind the fence

we passed a lot of grapes

a view from Lighthouse Cafe

I believe these are jellies and other assortments

pieced together photo of post office and cafe
side view (parking lot was quite full that day)
Jenna taking pictures of Umpua River (first pic)

Lots of prestige houses and an assortment of mailboxes


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