
Showing posts with the label refrigerator

They Call Me Mary Cooper

            Young Sheldon is a spin-off CBS ’ s popular TV series Big Bang Theory starring Jim Parson as Sheldon Cooper.  Young Sheldon is also narrated by Jim Parson who explains further about himself and his family.  His mom is Mary Cooper, a very religious woman who often turns to God and encourages her children to do the same.  I, too, encourage others to allow God to be a part of their lives by thanking Him or asking Him for assistance.  For example we each had a chaotic day yesterday though I think Claire and Biff had more unexpectancies to deal with.          One of our lights had busted at the front of our car – we don ’ t even know when or how but finally got around to asking someone to look at it.   We had an appointment for yesterday.   Richard was going to take it in and have me follow – only the other car wouldn ’ t start.   We tried starting it on our own a few t...


           A couple of months ago the light between the closets had gone out.   Richard changed the bulb to a brand new bulb that would blink on occasion until finally it went out leaving us to believe that it had something to do with the wiring.   Finding those that repair (such as electricians, plumbers, etc) is like pulling teeth.   Even before the gas price increase, it seemed a difficult task to find someone committed enough to come.             After two months Richard climbed up the latter to check what might be the source of the problem.   He had me turn off all the electricity.   Apparently it was the bulb.   How blessed were are that it was something simple.           Next problem.   We were no longer receiving hot water through our taps.   How can that be?   Well the house is over 20 years old and the hot...