
Showing posts with the label facebook


             Someone hacked the facebook account of a friend of mine.   The person than changed her profile to the name of another.   The account that was hacked belonged to a married sister.   The change made was that of a male with profile pic and location created.   That is far as I got.   I didn’t know him but the friend section said that we had two friends in common.   Before taking the opportunity to inquire of each of them I got the word that the account had been hacked. In the RS page a guy’s name was coming up on things that she had posted or commented on or liked.   I deleted a lot of it but some of the likes still remain – I don’t know how to change them.   Meanwhile I have blocked him and sent the word out for my friends NOT to accept any friend requests.   I had tried to report the incident to facebook but couldn’t seem to get passed a certain step.   Why do people do that?   Why g...

To Err is Human . . .

Every once in a while I will see this message on facebook: Wondering what in the world got removed so quickly for whatever reason.   I know it happened quite frequently in 2020 when those who would share false information which facebook (along with other social media from what I understand) repeatedly removed - which is a good thing. Facebook allows millions of people to use their platform and those who work for the facebook company are allowed to monitor that which they work for but sometimes I feel that perhaps contents are taken down in error?  And yet it somehow leads me to believe my privacy settings really are not. I did not get the above message on my own wall but would imagine that is what others saw as the contents were deleted with a message that Ralph Waldo Emmerson was not the correct source.   Or it wasn’t RWE or something to that content.   Too bad I didn’t think of screenshotting that before deleting.   Hopefully I’ll never have another opportun...

hopeless romantics . . . or rather hopeless at remembering.

  The other night I had asked Alexa to set an alarm for yesterday morning as we would be picking pears . . . or so we believed.   I had glanced at the calendar and realized that yesterday was mine and Richard’s wedding anniversary.   I started toward the back room to ask him if he wanted to do anything special to celebrate.   I don’t know if I even made it back to the room where he was working on watches.   I am so losing it.   We both are.           Both of us forgot about it being our anniversary.   We went down to Medford to pick pears which we normally do at the end of August.   No smoke filled the air!   It was great!   But we wondered: Do the pears prefer smoky weather?   I have never seen so many puny pears EVER.   The majority were not even pickable.   What?   It was rather disappointing.   Two people climbed ladders and dropped them down to those who would c...

Laundry and Electric Communication

 We left the hotel just after 4:00 a.m. on Saturday.  Jaime likes getting breakfast at Denny's and so we went there for food.  Richard and I don't care for Denny's and were each disappointed with our meal - though we had not expected much to begin with. I would rather have McDonald's than Denny's. Jaime said it could be our last time for going to Denny's.   We drove by way of Boise.  Though we hit almost every rest stop between Salt Lake and Myrtle Creek we seemed to make good timing.  I think it was after 5:00 when we drove passed the sign that indicated we were in Douglas County, but then it took another two hours before we arrived in Roseburg. (I have mentioned how incredibly large our county is) We could see the smoke before we arrived in Glide. For the most part I don’t check my facebook or email while on vacation.   I’m on vacation.   This is how things looked when I returned   Before our backroom was built Richard had hung two...

Day One: Donate and Share on Social Media

         I am not the type of person who seeks recognition for performing an act of service or feel the need to blow my own horn and yet so many of the “ Light of the World ” suggestions want us to use social media to post our accomplishment or share suggestions.  This day for example   As though social media is not already flooded with donate to this cause – donate to that cause.   So and so is raising money for this charity or that – and now light of the world wants me to add to that:           “ Look what I did! ”   I can share a link I suppose. But I ’ m not going to.   I am not alone.   My RS president is not too thrilled with the idea of posting our every move when it sounds like we are blowing our own horns which I ’ m sure is not the intent of the church.   It ’ s probably more of a missionary tool and because of COVID may be limited to activities that we have done in...

I Don’t Get It

                I think there are gremlins bugging the social media right now – or some aspects of it anyway.   I have noticed it on facebook and YouTube, but I don’t know which order – probably facebook.   Each time they try to improve the site, there are millions of bugs that cause havoc for the user.             Lately facebook has ignored my requests of who I would like notifications from and have been throwing in notifications at random.   Just the other day I received a notification for someone I wasn’t even aware I was facebook friends with (which goes to show how close we are) and so I have been typing in the names of family members just so I am updated about their latest thoughts.             As I have mentioned in at least two other posts, I created a Relief Society pa...

Save Our Library Crusade

Just over a year ago this month, I had finally been accepted to sit with the library board to make decisions - though our county libraries were in jeopardy.   I had turned in an application at the end of May and attended my first meeting in June.  I don't know why they hadn't accepted me as a board member at the time as I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO APPLY! I started a crusade and campaigned on facebook from September until November's election.   Here are some of the clipart I had used as profile, post or cover.  It may not have been very effective as the majority of responses I received were from my Utah friends.  I had not thought to create at page for public awareness. my sister-in-law had sent me this post.  I, in turn, had shared it with some class mates from a management class I had been taking at the time. This includes 6 different profile pics I incorporated pics of granddaughters in previous Halloweens.  Each rem...

A Passing Phase Perhaps . . .

        From the time she was eight years old, Jenna had always asked me for her own personal facebook account.   She enjoyed watching the JibJabs that my brother-in-law will occasionally post and wanted the opportunity to make comments herself instead of having me type "Jenna says . . ."   Over the years, many of her friends started their facebook accounts and she would ask if she could start one.   Each year the request was included on birthday or Christmas lists.   At the end of 2014 I created this post.                   It wasn't until we had moved to Oregon - so far away from our family - that I understood why so many of her friends may have had "illegal accounts" as they all had family members they didn't have many opportunities to spend time with.   We had lived in Oregon for almost a year when I set up an "illegal" facebook account for her.   The objective was to keep ...

Social Media

            I am the administrator of two groups in facebook.   The first is a Relief Society page that I had started for the ward that I'm in as it has been the only not to have a ward or RS page, and I missed it.   The second group Jenna and I had volunteered to get started in April (I believe) after Myrtle Creek Library closed its doors and several library users wanted to form a group in hopes to reopen the library.   The group page has existed for less than three months, but twice as many members and A LOT of contributors.   Though each says she really appreciates the group page, getting other sisters to post their thoughts on the RS page is like pulling teeth.   We have twice as many members in our "Friends" group and thankfully I'm not the only one who has been posting everything.             We had a meeting last night for the "Friends" gr...


What is up with Roland picking the absolute hottest part of the day to do the yard?   Would you believe we actually had the heat on this morning and now I am attempting to cool off as I sit beside the A/C?   What fickle weather we have. Speaking of weather – I will be using the bizarre weather to promote my pretend business that I’m now in the process of creating for my assignment for the next four weeks.   If imagination counts, I should do well in the class.   So I was actually on the tail end of this week’s assignment   (which may vary from week to week – I don’t know) when I received a text from my sister indicating that my facebook had been hacked.   Oh, great.   I signed onto facebook and discovered three more p.m. to inform I’ve been hacked.   Now four, five . . . I also was expecting a call and had to prepare for that – plus Roland needs me to take pictures of him on a weekly basis so that he can send them in to his health ad...

Familiar Faces

            About a year and a half ago, I was on facebook checking out their statistics, though I generally don't put a lot of stock in what results are given.     According to facebook, my husband Roland and I are the most opposite of me and any of my facebook friends.   I can believe that.   According to facebook, my soul mate is Carolyn - who I had known less than a year.   I've now known her for almost two.   The more time I take to get to know her, the more it feels like we have in common.   I guess facebook was right.             Not only that, but every time I added a family photo, facebook will automaticlly tag the pictures and actually get most of them right.   But every time my mom is in the photo, facebook puts Carolyn's name on the photo instead of my mom's. I guess there is a resemblance.   I do see more betwee...

You Can't Change Others - You Can Only Change You

            When my sister brought her family to Oregon for a visit, she also brought a box that I had left in the shed back in Kearns.   In the box were several photos - some that had already been scanned; some were not.   I decided to scan most   of them and post them to facebook.             I had found Pamprin ( here ) on facebook a while ago.   I have clicked on her profile just to see updated photos and have shared them with Jenna and Roland.               When I started clicking on photos that included Pamprin, her name came up to tag.   That seems weird as we don't seem to have any mutual friends. But then again, she is the only one in there. I thought that it might be a blessing and that perhaps she or her sibs would feel the desire to reconnect.   However, w...

Drop Kick That Blonde Spider

       Recently I had a dream that I was cleaning around the house when I noticed a plastic bag with a collage of items inside.  I was startled to see a rather large spider crawling toward the top.  Of course I freaked.  This was not any ordinary spider - it was one that would be displayed at a zoo or museum because of its enormous size - 2-3 times larger than the tarantula.  And dirty blonde.  It was creepy.        I thought by sealing up the plastic bag, I would have better control over the fate of the spider, but it managed to escape - which of course made it more scary.  Though it appeared to be larger than many rodents, it moved quickly and I didn't always know where the spider was. The spider I dreamed was more blonde (not as much brown) but the size is about the same.  Too many pictures to wade through.  I still have chills.        ...