Day One: Donate and Share on Social Media

        I am not the type of person who seeks recognition for performing an act of service or feel the need to blow my own horn and yet so many of the Light of the World suggestions want us to use social media to post our accomplishment or share suggestions.  This day for example


As though social media is not already flooded with donate to this cause donate to that cause.  So and so is raising money for this charity or that and now light of the world wants me to add to that:


        Look what I did! 

I can share a link I suppose. But Im not going to.  I am not alone.  My RS president is not too thrilled with the idea of posting our every move when it sounds like we are blowing our own horns which Im sure is not the intent of the church.  Its probably more of a missionary tool and because of COVID may be limited to activities that we have done in prior years. 


        I have written something for day 10 which in my opinion is too long for a facebook post. I am sure I will be posting it to this blog before the 10th.  Perhaps I will provide a link to the paragraph I have selected for my day 10 fb post.  I dont think all my Light the World activities will make it to facebook however.  Does that mean I am not sharing the light appropriately? Would sharing a link on facebook make my light more genuine?  I dont think it would.


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