Bonnie, Lights, and Dr. Nay

         We had signed up to feed the missionaries yesterday.  They had contacted Roland in the morning to ask about their schedule and how to include dinner within the timeframe.  Roland had planned on making two lasagnas (one for us and one for them) but decided to change things around as the elders would Roseburg and won’t return until later last night. After Jenna and I returned home from the park, Roland took Jaime to run some errands.  One was to pick up a lunch that the elders could eat on their way to Roseburg. He had also made of list of things to pick up at the hardware store – mouse poisoning being one of them.

We may have mice living within the walls.  We came to the conclusion f few nights ago when Bonnie has barked wildly or whined about something the rest of us cannot see.  Roland purchased some mouse poison yesterday but misread the package.  Bonnie go a hold of a couple of baits and wolfed it down as though it were candy. We called the vet to ask about the situation.  We tried what he had suggested, but when that did not work he volunteered to meet us at his clinic.  Why is it that Bonnie’s symptoms always come on a weekend when the vets are closed?

          I was in the middle of my thoughts for day seven for yesterday’s post when the incident took place and had taken time out to take Bonnie to the vet and try to comfort Jenna who was feeling like an irresponsible pet owner.  Dr. Nay told us what side effects might be expected only we didn’t see anything different with her behavior.  She seemed a bit down and asleep – upset that we wouldn’t let her into the kitchen, but were told she shouldn’t eat for at least two hours.  Once we set her “free” she was running around and back to her bouncy happy self as though nothing had gone wrong.

            She has the mind of a child.  She sees us as people to depend on and to cling to.  We take care of her and love her.  We will all continue to make mistakes but will make the best of what we can.

            We did finish the night off watching the light parade.  I have never seen or heard the parade so closely as last night.  

It made us so happy to have that to help wrap up this very odd year.  It may not have shared it's light with the world - but many small cities connected by one purpose.

Jenna did not take as many pictures as I had
attempted to our first year - and I think they
came out better - not that great but still
better than mine. I shared four here

            Today's light the world was to take a break from social media.  And yet there are those who needed to open their facebook accounts in order to watch our church meetings on line.  We dropped off some Lasagna to Dr. Nay.  I hope he and his wife enjoy it.


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