Finding a Sense of Normality

       Every year the local elementary schools make ornaments to hang on the tree that is displayed downtown.  Each year they walk from the school to the downtown area where the tree is displayed so that they can hang the ornaments themselves or drop into a basket of ornaments to decorate higher than they can reach.  On the first Saturday of December there is a gathering.  There is music and free hot chocolate.  And then there is the lighting of the tree. 

Jenna took this at main street and second
avenue entrance to park (closed off in Dec)

      This year Jenna and I saw decorations carted out as some contributed to decorating the town.  

Jenna took this one yesterday.  So foggy this morning
that only one strand of snowflakes could be seen
The tree was lit without all the hoopla that it has seen in years past.  Only lights adorn the tree as there are no ornaments. Students have not returned to school since they left for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Everything in Oregon is online until further notice. 

       On Saturday we’ll have annual light parade (here and here). I don’t know where we’ll stand to view it and keep our distance at the same time.  It’s nice to have normality after a hard year of chaos. Trucker Light Parades are available on youtube as my video was removed here.


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