
Showing posts with the label Seniors

Finances in Retirement

       I don’t recall where the email was sent from or why I accepted it.   I registered both Roland and me for a seminar on social security.   He had been asking me questions when I had taken my Sociology of Ageism class.   I thought we could attend this together, have questions answered, and have a free lunch.   I enjoyed the lunch part but had found my Ageism class much more informative than the seminar. Except for a few facts that apply specifically to Oregon, there isn't really much that I learned.        During my school course, I had completed four assignments.   The subjects were as follows:   “Websites for the Aged”, “Financial Options for Elderly Care”, “Age of Retirement” and “Life After Retirement”. I started off my first paper by defining “Baby Boomers” which is/was an unusually high amount of births that took place between 1946 and 1965.        I used a quote...