
Showing posts with the label comments

Come Follow Me Facebook Group

           Once a month, the church holds a sacrament meeting known as “fast and testimony meeting”.   This meeting is normally held at the first Sunday of the month.   The exceptions are just prior to or after General Conference.   Conferences take place the first weekend in April and October.   The ward I reside in has always done the testimony meeting the last Sunday in March and September.   This gives members of the congregation the opportunity of standing at the pulpit to express their understanding of the gospel and to share their testimonies.         Yesterday’s meeting was quite powerful and the Spirit was delivered in such reverent manner.   I had worn a clean mask which was no longer clean as it was filled with moist emotion. It had started before the bishop had invited the congregation to come and speak.  The sacrament hymn was "I Stand All Amazed" ( here ) which I have memo...

Dictatorship or Abortion?

  From my observation the best leaders are those who lead by example.  They don ’ t seek validation.  They lead by instinct.  Many have been put in that position because of their ability to take charge in a positive way – not because they bullied their way in. I suppose Donald Trump does lead by example – just not in a positive way. He is always seeking validation and would like to be worshipped by all and not just the uneducated.   If it weren ’ t for the other two branches of government, I suspect Trump ’ s picture would be plastered all over the place. His pictures would be no smaller than the size of buildings.   His face would be plastered all over Mt. Rushmore.   His face would be on currency and postage stamps.   What an ass.   And I don ’ t mean the four legged animal. A great leader will listen to those who he/she serves.  Donald Trump doesn ’ t listen to anybody – not those who are there to serve him, not his family me...

I Hope You Find Your Rainbow

          Today is Jenna's birthday. It is also "Find a Rainbow Day". She now starts life off as a teenager although she has absolutely no desire of growing up.   She tried watching conference yesterday.   I admire her for trying.   And I know she really was trying to make comments each time she made an off-the-wall comment that brought a smile to my face.           The first was during the morning session yesterday when the camera had swung around the men performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.   The view was from behind and two the side.           "Is that Donald Trump?!?   That guy [in the choir]'s hair looks like Donald Trump's!   Why would anyone want his hair to be like Donald Trump's?!?"             I think it was during Ronald A. Rasband's talk i...