Dictatorship or Abortion?

 From my observation the best leaders are those who lead by example.  They dont seek validation.  They lead by instinct. 

Many have been put in that position because of their ability to take charge in a positive way not because they bullied their way in.

I suppose Donald Trump does lead by example just not in a positive way. He is always seeking validation and would like to be worshipped by all and not just the uneducated.  If it werent for the other two branches of government, I suspect Trumps picture would be plastered all over the place. His pictures would be no smaller than the size of buildings.  His face would be plastered all over Mt. Rushmore.  His face would be on currency and postage stamps.  What an ass.  And I dont mean the four legged animal.

A great leader will listen to those who he/she serves.  Donald Trump doesnt listen to anybody not those who are there to serve him, not his family members, NOBODY.  Hes a jerk (and that is putting it nicely).

 Recently I posted this video with these questions:

                        Can you relate to anything in this ad?

I wasnt endorsing Joe Biden there were things in the video that I had never heard before and found them interesting enough to share.  My first commenter at least acknowledged my questions but then went into slandering Joe Biden and building up Donald Trump.  Of course my go-to comment was that he promised that America would be great again.  Bringing on a civil war between Republicans and Democrats (though its become more Trump and Anit-Trump as there are those who have regarded themselves republican all or most of their lives and are adamant about NOT affiliating themselves with anything or anyone else who might support Trump) is NOT making America great again.  He is a dictator and a bully.  A good leader will show respect to those he/she comes in contact with even if he/she disagrees.  Trump shows respect to absolutely no one.

I saw this thought on someone
s wall and found it profound enough to share.  

It appears that the commenter missed the point of the post

Okay, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are for abortion, but abortion is NOT the only credential their campaign is based upon (see here
Each of the four candidates at either the presidential or VP debates did a lousy job at presenting accurate information.  We'll never know whether Joe Biden would have answered satisfactorily or not as he couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Its said Trump is pro-life.  Pro-life?  Then why the hell is he not wearing a mask?  What life (other than his own) is he for?  Its not like we have a large amount of candidates to choose from right now.  So do we go for dictatorship or abortion? Or do we focus on other issues at hand?

There has always been the political debate and pitting Republicans against Democrats (which isnt totally true as the Republican party has not existed as long as the Democratic party) but not like this year.  Part of the 2020 cruelty.


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