Not Exactly a Free For All


There was frost on

the ground and so

were the chickens. 

I dont understand the draw. 


The roosters have

gotten brave enough

to approach us.

They will look at us

in the same manner as

Bonnie asking,

Why dont you feed me?


At least Bonnie has an

excuse to look at us

that way. 

She has been placed

in our care after all.


The fowl are all trespassers. 

They are not our responsibility.

I have seen their owners

feed them but evidently we

have better grass, better

bugs, better vittles somehow.


The roosters have discovered

the bird seed carelessly

fallen to the ground

knocked over by greedy

birds eating from the bird feeder.


Roland thinks it is his

job to feed all of

the stray animals except

for the deer. 

The fowl are welcome

in our yard. 

The deer are not.


Right now we don’t

have anything that

the deer would be

interested in.

The fowl are

welcome to eat

all the bugs they want. 


The garden food is

for humans.

Other animals are

not to mess with

our garden.


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