
Showing posts with the label Judges

Humanizing Gideon and Samson – in a nutshell

          I started watching clips of the Bible Project when I was teaching Valiants in primary.   I never shared the illustrations with the class though I am fascinated by the short videos.   The book of Judges ( here ) is referred to as disturbing – which it is – as we explore in this week’s reading of “Come Follow Me”.   As we are limited on time and to spare all the gore (and there is A LOT of it) it has been suggested to study only certain scriptures (which still contain gore, stupidity, arrogance, violence, murders, and so forth) reading-of-judges-11-12-jephthah-his-daughter/         Chapter one gives us the account of the land of the twelve tribes – a recap if you will.   Where mortal corruption and child sacrifice is acceptable.   Chapter two gives the account of the cycle that each generation experiences starting with sin, oppression, repentance, deliverance...