
Showing posts with the label poetry

Dash #607 Never Stop Writing

           When I was younger, I enjoyed reading poems and would often write nonsense poems just for the sake of rhyming.   It wasn’t until I was in high school and taking a creative writing class that I learned about many different types of poetry and have often attempted writing different styles.   Some styles I prefer more than others.           I wrote poems for many years.   I wrote poems and started many different story lines, but I don’t think I ever finished a single one.   My mind has mostly raced ahead of my pencil.   The word processor seemed to add an ease to writing stories and biography.   I now have the ability to add things and delete things and not worry about marring the paper in any way.             I rarely write poems anymore.   Sometimes I will work on stories with Jenna.   But mostly what I w...

Destiny, Rewritten by Kathryn Fitzmaurice

My latest reading is a book written by Kathryn Fitzmaurice.   One funny thing about the book itself is that the book jacket is on upside down.   Onlookers may think I am truly weird when I laugh out loud and yet I appear to have the book upside down – but really, just the jacket is.   The library taped it down that way.   I don’t know whether mistakenly or as a symbolic gesture. Destiny, Rewritten takes us on a journey through the eyes of a  sixth grader named Emily Elizabeth Davis.   She was named after Emily Dickinson because her free spirited, English-teaching mom wants the destiny of her daughter to become a poet much like Emily Dickinson.   Only the Emily telling the story doesn’t particularly care for poetry. She does like romance novels though and will often write letters to Danielle Steel. Her mother had given her a book that she had purchased on the day before her daughter, Emily was born. It is The Complete Works of ...

The Elements Seem to be Teasing Us Still

This post was created two summers ago.  I don't know what button I hit that made the post change to Feb 2015. Today the winds blew strong - but it was warm outside.  Go figure.  We did use the air conditioning in the car (never have I done that in February) and although it has been warm today, it hasn't been SUMMER warm. I wrote a few verses about how I am personally handling this heat (not well) and emailed them to a friend who made it into a song.   He’d sent me the chords and the fingering.   But seeing it on paper really doesn’t mean that much to me.   I think it was sweet of him to send it to me. I've had two showers today but my body doesn't know it I've planted flowers and beets but my garden doesnt' show it I wash more clothes in summer than any other season I'm so tired all of the time and summer is the reason Why can't heat just stay away from me Allow my body to breathe free Allow my mind to think clearly Please just...

Two More Poems

Whenever the Wind Blows When I fall asleep I sleep quite hard Whenever the wind blows Slumber invites me Into worlds beyond this one When I fall asleep My eyelids become heavy My thoughts are put on hold Whenever the wind blows My husband can’t believe How quickly I drift off When I fall asleep How the trees dance And leaves often fall Whenever the wind blows There’s a calm cool breeze That surrounds me but I miss it When I fall asleep Whenever the wind blows                                                                                  ...

Nearly Completed Section on Social Studies

We purchase workbooks for Jenna on occasion – mostly for fun on her part.  The last book we got has nine sections – including three parts of math, four parts of English, Science and Social Studies. For the most part, the vocabulary and Language Arts seem too easy for her, while the math (for the most part) is spot on.  And she has breezed through writing and social studies. Page 252 in the social study section shows “The Lady in the Harbor” comic illustration with trivial facts and pointing arrows The crown with seven spikes stands for the seven seas and the seven continents The torch is a light that welcomes travelers to the United States The tablet shows the Roman numerals of the date the Declaration of Independence was signed: July 4, 1776 A foots forward position is a symbol of moving forward into the future The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York Harbor.  She is a symbol of freedom and hope. Page 253 invites the c...

Trying my hand at different poetry types

Acrostic:                                       F ather goes to work                                       A nd                                       M other drives to school                                       I n the car    ...

Now this is a book I would really like for my collection

One of Jenna’s favorite places to go is the library.  When we lived in our first house, we would often walk to the library.  But as there is so much congestion between our house and the library where we currently live, we don’t have the option of walking to the library anymore.            There have been times when I have gone to the library without Jenna.  Often it will be in search of reference books to answer a question that she has asked either that morning or some time during the week.           Last year I found myself in the poetry section and had checked out a beautiful book called R is for Rhyme by Judy Young.  Unfortunately Jenna does not share my love for poetry right now.  She gets bored with it.  Even the rhymes which she so often does verbally.  She just doesn’t seem to care for reading or writing in rhyme.    ...