
Showing posts with the label Men's Wearhouse

Let Our Extremely Soothing Music Put You to Sleep While You Are On Hold

              Let’s talk Men’s Wearhouse – perhaps not all locations but the one in Medford specifically.  Jenna, Roland and I had gone on an outing on September 20.  Each of us purchased clothing at one store or another – Jenna and I found items in different stores throughout the Rogue Mall.  Roland’s purchase was at the Men’s Wearhouse located at the Sky Blue Plaza.                There were some pairs of pants that needed custom fitting and alteration.   The pants were then to be shipped to our address in Myrtle Creek.   As it has been a few weeks since the purchase was made, Roland decided he should contact the store.   He had meant to call on Monday but never got around to it or forgot or whatever. (He had written down the names of five phone numbers to contact throughout the day).   Thus he tried to contact them the following day but there w...