
Showing posts with the label Universal

Labor Day Deja Vu

I was searching through various posts in search for specific memories of Universal Studios.   I was floored when I came across one labeled L abor Day Weekend  in which the first line reads Roland said he wanted to take Jenna to Universal this weekend The date read September 1 – that is when we left the house this year – when did I write that?   Apparently it was a thought that had existed in 2019 which became a reality this year – only it wasn’t on a Sunday that we left.   It was on a Thursday.   We drove to Modesto, California – which I had believed was a halfway point to Monterey Park.   It wasn’t.   It was so out of the way that it proved my point about why I don’t like making reservations.   We should have just looked for something in Sacramento.   Modesto was such a waste of driving and the pool was closed.   VERY contaminated pool We continued our drive to LA – another gamble in industrial area that didn’t appear to be a safe part ...

DownPour on My Birthday

I recall a few of my birthdays were cooler than normal – requiring a sweatshirt or summer jacket.  Never a rain slicker!  Not quite a monsoon but certainly not what I’ve grown accustomed to.  I can’t see to drive on the roads.  There’s not enough light.           Corey and Joh offered to pay for new glasses – but I don’t know that a stronger prescription is really the answer.  The way the doctor explained it to me is that I have weird shaped eyes that just don’t seem to let in the right amount of light needed for me to see throughout each day.  I’m certain that I will go blind eventually.            Besides I’d rather have spent the money on shoes or new pants for Roland or something that seemed to take precedence for me.  And we have been blessed in major ways.           On Saturday Jenna spen...