
Showing posts with the label Conference weekend

Happy Birthday Jenna and Archer

 Jenna has never appreciated having her birthday fall on Conference weekend.  Often Conference has not been the factor for postponing or cancelling her birthday - but rather the weather has played a part on activities held. Last year was nice and she had met up with a friend and went on an Easter egg hunt downtown.  She enjoyed his company and enjoyed the day.  Yesterday she had also met up with friends for a small gathering.  They met at a table at the park. Originally she had scheduled an indoor activity on April Fool's day but realized that more guests had been invited than what she had planned and felt our back room might not be large enough to hold them all. It was a lot cooler yesterday than last year or the year before.  As I recall, the weather was quite awesome on her 16th birthday - but it was 2020 - a unique problem by itself.  That was the year that Archer was born.  We were able to see him just ten days ago.  Jaime would sing the...

Aiming for the Ideal

            A couple of weeks ago we had the missionaries come over for dinner.   As we were talking, one of elders made the comment that several people don't see us a family oriented church.   I took the opportunity to explain to him why that might be.   Though there is a strong emphasis placed upon the family - even the definition according to the proclamation (see here ) seems discriminatory.   We're not all like that.   The average family doesn't fit the mold. The proclamation gives us an ideal that we are supposed to strive for.             When I wrote this post , I referred to a couple named Juleen and Al Jackson.   I mentioned how I'd been under the impression that Juleen had believed that the show should have focused more on their story (or families of similar living) rather than explore those that didn't quite fit into the mold of "Mormon living"   - she DID NOT say it that wa...

From What I Recall . . .

            I think my favorite talk for this past conference was this one given by Elder Ronald A. Rasband.     He talked about a subject that I have touched on my blog before.   I was reminded of a post I created just over a year and a half ago.   I had briefly discussed Wendy Ulrich's book "Habits of Happiness".   The particular subject was "Don't try to get   Help from your Problems" - in other words, ask God to help you make your weaknesses become strengths - rely upon Him as the path you thought you may have chosen isn't necessarily the right one for you.                 It is interesting that so many of us can listen to or read the same exact talk and walk away from it with a different interpretation than another might - just as with the parables the Savior would deliver to those who would listen and those who...

It's "Accountable" not "a Cannibal" - sometimes it's okay to Laugh

          I suppose it depends on one's frame of mind if one gets upset with another who does something that may seem disruptive during conference - or perhaps laugh where it's not appropriate or - and here is the grandest of them all - be so focused and in tune with the Spirit, that the talks are the only focus and what may be viewed as disruptions by everybody else go unnoticed by the individual who is in tune.   I have been the grouch upset with disruptions, the one who laughs where it's not appropriate . . . unfortunately I have never been the individual who is so focused and so Spiritually in tune that I don't feel the least bit distracted.   That is my fault.   I haven't spiritually prepared to allow myself to remain focused.           I was impressed at Jenna's willingness to take notes during conference.   I smiled as I watched her expressions - particularly with To...

I Hope You Find Your Rainbow

          Today is Jenna's birthday. It is also "Find a Rainbow Day". She now starts life off as a teenager although she has absolutely no desire of growing up.   She tried watching conference yesterday.   I admire her for trying.   And I know she really was trying to make comments each time she made an off-the-wall comment that brought a smile to my face.           The first was during the morning session yesterday when the camera had swung around the men performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.   The view was from behind and two the side.           "Is that Donald Trump?!?   That guy [in the choir]'s hair looks like Donald Trump's!   Why would anyone want his hair to be like Donald Trump's?!?"             I think it was during Ronald A. Rasband's talk i...