
Showing posts with the label food storage

Grocery Shopping

          Going shopping is always a major ordeal – no matter what kind of shopping it is.   Jenna tolerates shopping at best.   I loathe it.   Clothes shopping, home improvement, groceries . .   I hate them all.   Roland, on the other hand, loves to shop.   When he as at a store, he believes the clock stops and takes his sweet time reading every ingredient .   I wish he was as conscience about reading the price and comparing it to our budget.   I often do go shopping with him just to make certain he doesn’t overspend.                       Once the groceries are purchased there is the matter of packing them into the car – and if they don’t all fit in the trunk, they get to ride on the back seat of our car – often next to Jenna who usually does her best to get out of going with us – but sometimes it is...

5 cards

I opened 5 cards yesterday.   First one sent from Kearns, Utah It said: "Wish you were still here Sure Do Miss You!" Second Card sent Local It said: "So grateful you moved into our ward We're so glad that you're here." Third one was from my cousin. She had sent it to the wrong address But our former neighbor forwarded it. Forth card was to me from the school Fifth card - no return address and no signature.   Just a thought to wish Merry Christmas and a gift card which Roland wanted to use for food storage. He thinks war is coming. Our Nation's President has offended many people. Roland drove us to Grants Pass It was my second time being there since we moved to Oregon. We splurged on food.   The machine told us that we would need a pin for our gift card We might still be able to use it for placing orders online. But I don't know. Roland ...