
Showing posts with the label Milagro

Examples of Ministering Angels

               Too often I will get several interruptions whenever   I am trying to read (any book I'm interested in) or write a post for my blog.   I failed to go into detail with my last post.   It was there when I initially sat down to create it.   After four or five interruptions I read what I had and felt satisfied that it was passable – but it does seem to be uncompleted as there are no examples.   I will now share the example that brought to mind the subject of ministering angels (aside from the latest read in the Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants schedule).             Over the years Corey has posted many things on facebook that have touched me – his latest with his experience of a cat whom he and Joh named Milagro.   I don’t have either of their permission to share their story but will do so without it.  (If either would like me to take it dow...