
Showing posts with the label hymns

Light Inspiration and Gratitude

  I didn ’ t know what inspirational story to share on facebook – though I thought it should be personal.  I had considered the last day my mom was in the hospital and how all four of her children were there trying to plan her funeral and asking her questions that related.  She was between worlds and so when she gave us answers we weren ’ t always certain which side she was talking to.  For example Corey had asked about what hymns she would want to be sung.  I knew she likes “ I Am a Child of God ” and would like it sung at her funeral. When Corey asked “ What hymns do you like? ” she smiled and said, “ That ’ s a secret. ” I don ’ t remember all of our conversation.  I know it was a good conversation and all four of her children laughed together.  It felt like an inspirational mood.  I had also considered a time when we had gone to see my great grandma at the nursing home.  Mom had gone diligently every week and grandma, for the most pa...

It Was a Pride Thing

  I would like to be more humble as I have always had a problem with pride. Whenever I think that I have overcome so much of my pride – wham!   I find myself fighting all over again.  And here are just two examples:   1)    When I was in the young women ’ s presidency the YW president had asked me to write a skit for camp – which I did but it took some time to incorporate my ideas.   When I tried to present my idea the YW pres. said it was no longer needed.   The girls had decided that they wanted to do something else – which really didn ’ t even relate to the topic.  At least at the time I didn ’ t think it did.   I felt a bit put out that I had worked on this skit and they didn ’ t even want to listen to my ideas.   And I knew it was wrong to feel resentment.   After all it is the girls who should be involved and they were.   I should have expressed praise or some kind of encouragement.   I tried to shru...

Ringing Out Wild Bells – Can We Sing MOURN?

“Ring Out Wild Bells” (found here ) has got one of the most mournful tunes I have ever heard in my life.   If it isn’t the most mournful tune in the hymnbook, I would guess it’s at least in the top three. To top its already mournful tune, it is being played on the organ – which in my opinion is one of the most mournful musical instruments and so the two put together sounds like a procession to a dark funeral. The chorister was not impressed with the lack of volume from the congregation and suggested we try again.   The brother behind me uttered, “Well then pick a different song” Needless to say, I was in full agreement.   It wouldn’t bother me at all to have that hymn completely thrown out of the hymnbook.   But then again, I have only heard it just once a year.   For me, personally, once a decade would be plenty. I visualized a setting as one would find in a Charles Dickens story.   It’s rainy and cold and everybody is dressed in black...

Name That Tune

Our theme for this month is on the plan of salvation.   I had wanted to get the class members’ input if there was a certain topic each would like to focus on.   Subject suggestions were on faith, agency and music to name a few.   I absolutely LOVE music and the concept behind the hymns and how to use the hymn book and so forth.   But as the month started, I just didn’t feel inspired to do the lesson on music.   I actually had one beam at the subject of music.   That was the same week of ward conference.   The musical number was beautiful – a medley of “Come Follow Me” and “Lord, I would Follow Thee” Very uplifting.   Scott got up after the musical and made comment that he hates going after the musical number.   I can’t say as I blame him.   The Spirit is often felt quite strongly through music.   When I returned home from the meeting I felt impressed to create a “Name That  Tune Hymn ...

There Are More Than 40 Hymns

                  I can’t say for certain, but I think it’s highly probable that there are several wards (or congregations) that tend to sing the same 40 – 80 hymnals with each meeting.   That doesn’t even cover 50% of what we’ve been given.   And there are some choristers who have tried to introduce new hymns – which may have been enforced in recent years.   If I was called as chorister, I’m afraid our hymns would be the same familiar ones that we have sung at least 20 times during any given year.   I don’t think I have to be concerned about being called to chorister position.   I enjoy listening to music – and I will even lead – but not with expertise I’m afraid.            My brother, Corey, has often made the complaint that with over 300 hymns (and those are just the ones currently published in today’s hymn bo...