
Showing posts with the label frustration

To Err is Human . . .

Every once in a while I will see this message on facebook: Wondering what in the world got removed so quickly for whatever reason.   I know it happened quite frequently in 2020 when those who would share false information which facebook (along with other social media from what I understand) repeatedly removed - which is a good thing. Facebook allows millions of people to use their platform and those who work for the facebook company are allowed to monitor that which they work for but sometimes I feel that perhaps contents are taken down in error?  And yet it somehow leads me to believe my privacy settings really are not. I did not get the above message on my own wall but would imagine that is what others saw as the contents were deleted with a message that Ralph Waldo Emmerson was not the correct source.   Or it wasn’t RWE or something to that content.   Too bad I didn’t think of screenshotting that before deleting.   Hopefully I’ll never have another opportun...

Unbelievable – Let’s Talk Numbers

            Would you believe that I finally joined the world of touch screen phone?   I changed my plan – or rather my carrier who does not support flip phones.   I went with them on a whim.   It will save us almost 10 dollars a month – which isn’t huge.   But if I can save 5 dollars here and 10 dollars there, it adds up.   Before you know I have save us 45 dollars not to mention the subscriptions to various things which adds up as well and before you know it I have removed over 100 dollars of unnecessary luxury spending.              So I now have a touch screen but have learned that the automatic machines at the other end of the line don’t recognize my pushing numbers.   Oh, that is so not cool.   I am already annoyed with automatic machines as it is.   So impersonal.   How many jobs have been replaced by machines?   A company does not have to pay w...

A Week Without Internet - well not quite . . .

            I ’ ve heard it said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions – meaning if a person doesn ’ t act upon the thoughts he or she has the purpose is unfulfilled.  For three to four weeks the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint Western Region representatives have been asked to call those that they preside over for ministering assignments call those that they minister to in order to learn how long it would take for everyone in the area to be contacted.  We were given a heads up that we would be making calls on Saturday for a mock earthquake drill which would go into effect that morning.  All of the calls were to be made within a two hour frame beginning at 8:00. My plan was to offer a fervent prayer before I started calling each of my sisters as I have not had much success at finding many who will answer the phone – especially on a Saturday morning.   No time is a good time and there is no ...

A Week Without Posts

          I think I have mentioned both Roland and Jenna have had some nasty colds, but I seemed fine until Saturday - the 10th.   I had gone to the church as the presidency were holding interviews for those who are visiting teachers.   I could feel a sore throat coming on.   Even when I agreed to teach Relief Society only eight days later.           I went to church on Sunday, the 11th.   I did not stay for choir because I didn't want to strain my throat.   Last week I did a lot of napping (cough medicine knocks me out) and preparing for both primary and RS lessons.   I also participated in a class discussion on a topic that I didn't fully understand.   I took the assessment (midterm) and apparently turned in my discussion notes instead of the assignment.   Brilliant.           My lesson for the Reli...

Thoughts About Yesterday

I think Roland woke me up to ask me something I don't remember what I guess he didn't wake me but I did get out of bed I dragged myself into the living room.   I don't even know what time it was Jenna asked me if I would make her lunch. I made a sandwich and cut some potatoes and the remaining ham and put them in the crock pot with 2 cans of milk and a   can of corn. I went out to the shed for bubble wrap and boxes and started wrapping ornaments to mail to the boys. I had planned on sending letters and the "legend of the candy cane" thought. first package: Tony's family.   Large box. Extra items.   First I put in bubble wrap for padding boxes of cookie decorating kits hats, ornaments.   Seal box.   Whoops.   Forgot the letter.   Go to computer.   Type and print letters. Put Tony's in an envelope.   Tape it to the box. Next:   I open box of hats for Randy's family wrap ornaments.   Take off t...

We've Been Down This Road Before

If x   times 3 = 3x and you subtract 12 = y over 3x squared, what are y and x?   We will never know.   Apparently it doesn't matter. Order of operation matters. Order of operations is a way of thinking logically - so says the mathematician.   Do you know how boring you sound?   Only math nerds understand the numbers game and the results of getting there - though most of the problems are never completely finished - they are written down as far as they can go.   So an acceptable answer could look like this: 4x+3q+8-7n=y^12   What?????   If we don't ever know what q or y or the rest of the letters are - what's the point???   Roland says it's to learn logic.   I don't learn logic!   I am too dang frustrated to be logical.   I want to scream, swear, pull out my hair, and hurt whoever it is that came up with x(3-6)+[6*(n-q)4]-12x in the first place. Give me a break!   I was not put on this planet to answer mixed up number/l...

Recognizing Effort

                My appreciation for art is so-so.   There are certain paintings that appeal to me for various reasons - and perhaps on a subconscious level, it is the lighting and balance and whatever other techniques are used by the artist.   Usually, it is the subject of the painting.   That is what I am focused on, not the colors, tones, hues or layers for example.   All the detail that is put into a professional painting seems overwhelming to me and actually seems to detract from the beauty that I had seen there initially.             In college, I once took an art appreciation class - just to force myself to understand and hopefully appreciate it more.   It backfired. I was so put out by the symbolic gestures and the history, it's a wonder I didn't drop the class.   I would struggle with these foreign concepts and tri...

Pray Before Each Task

Roland gave our middle son, Tony, the nickname “Donald Duck”.   Too often Tony flies off the handle about situations he can’t control or doesn’t understand.   I told him that he needs to pray more often.   That didn’t seem to go over too well. Prayer has been a part of my life forever.   I always had example of prayer.   My sibs and I were taught to pray.   We said individual prayers.   We said family prayers.   We prayed over the food.   We’d start family home evenings with prayer and end with prayer.   We said morning prayers.   We said prayers before we went to bed.   Before and while on vacation.   It was just something conditioned in me.   I don’t know that I ever questioned it.   Perhaps I didn’t always understand it, but I do now and have for such a long time that it’s hard to remember if/when I questioned prayer. Oh, perhaps there were times I prayed for something specific and felt my pra...