Semis and River Rafting
Funny how something can trigger a memory that doesn’t seem like it would even belong. For instance when Roland is driving, he seems to go over the speed limit by five miles or so. Sometimes he will pass the slow moving trucks. Often people will pass him as though he’s not even moving. We haven’t had a semi pass us but have watched some semis pass others. I was recently reminded of going on my first river raft trip. How would a semi remind me of river rafting you ask? Well, let me tell you. I had signed up for a program through BYU. We were told to meet at BYU and we would car pool to southern Utah. As it turned out, there were only three of us who signed up. John and John Junior lived in St. George. It seemed pointless for them to drive up to Provo just to go back towards their home. Thus L...