
Showing posts with the label news other than pandemic

Coins Are NOT the Most Pressing Concern

        Each month this year has brought up a new set of challenges – most which still exist.         January – Australia caught on fire         February – Chinese citizens post videos of the effects of COVID19 – I never imagined it would become a world wide thing         March – Several states go into a lockdown.   For Jenna the pendemic started Friday the 13 th .   The 18 th shakes Utah (where we came from and family members live) starts a chain of earthquakes and aftershocks         April – nation is short on supplies – items such as face masks, hand sanifizer, ventilators and toilet paper.   Only those working front line have jobs.   People feel more exposed to risk while working front line.   People without jobs are financially worn out. May – Rumor of Murder Hornets.   Not im...

Fire on the Freeway

The Relief Society Pres has felt impressed to make little banana breads and plates of cookies to be delivered to some of the sisters in the ward.   I volunteered to help with deliveries and had Jenna with me as we drove around to deliver cookies.  Two of the sisters we had delivered to live off the same exit as our friend Caroline.   So after we had finished delivering the cookies, we stopped by Caroline’s house to visit.   I think we were a bit closer than six feet apart but did keep our distance.  We could hear the sirens and then followed by a noise between a “pop” and a “boom” – it didn’t sound like gunfire exactly, certainly not an explosion.   I still don’t know if it was related to the sirens or not, nor do I know what happened.    Caroline  said she could smell something resembling like burnt plastic.  If I had gotten back on the freeway and headed south, driven through Canyonville and back through Riddle I would have mi...