
Showing posts with the label staycation

Word and Dash posts in pocket

          Roland has started his “vacation”.   Initially had wanted to go somewhere – first Disneyland – though I would rather go in October.   He then decided that perhaps we could just do a bunch of day trips  and see a play in Eugene or Portland.   I told him I’d rather not spend the money right now – not with all the credit we still have yet to pay off.   So he’s taking a “ stay-cation ”   in which he will be working harder (labor) than he does at his job (quality insurance) fixing up the yard and whatever household projects need attention.           I’m predicting that Roland’s stay-cation  will be labor for me and Jenna also.   He usually asks for us to help him right when the sun is blazing overhead.   He already feels neglected that I would rather be on the computer corresponding, organizing files, looking up information or whatever it is...

Hodgepodge of Thoughts

          The skies cleared up this last weekend.  The smoke had cleared from the south and the skies were blue.  For two nights and mornings I had my windows   Now we have smoke coming in from the east. The windows remain closed.  I think it's wrong for the skies to appear overcast as though promising cooler weather and learn that it is 80 - 90 degrees outside.             Roland has taken off for a week.  Monday felt like a Saturday to me.  Yesterday felt like a Wednesday.  I don’t know what today will bring (as it really hasn’t started yet) Not a normal day for me.  Roland and I will be going to the theatre in Roseburg this morning.  Jenna will stay in town with a friend who stayed the night.            They have their dress rehearsal tonight.  I have invited my small gro...