Word and Dash posts in pocket

          Roland has started his “vacation”.  Initially had wanted to go somewhere – first Disneyland – though I would rather go in October.  He then decided that perhaps we could just do a bunch of day trips and see a play in Eugene or Portland.  I told him I’d rather not spend the money right now – not with all the credit we still have yet to pay off.  So he’s taking a “stay-cation  in which he will be working harder (labor) than he does at his job (quality insurance) fixing up the yard and whatever household projects need attention.

          I’m predicting that Roland’s stay-cation will be labor for me and Jenna also.  He usually asks for us to help him right when the sun is blazing overhead.  He already feels neglected that I would rather be on the computer corresponding, organizing files, looking up information or whatever it is that I happen to be doing.  I predict that I won’t be creating new blog posts for this week.  Fortunately I have a few back up files – one just happens to be a three part dash.  I think that will be my post for this week.  Perhaps some more homonyms.


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