Changing the Yard

Roland had asked the missionaries if they could assist on Monday.  As they had other obligations that day, they came to help on Tuesday.  Unlike the missionaries who had assisted with Jenna’s fort twelve years ago, the elders who are currently serving this area wore their street clothes as they were bond to get dirty.

        Jenna was so excited when we came home from church one day and discovered a waterfall in the backyard. Roland had diverted the water to run across the yard and toward the water drain.

  After a year his diversion was wiped out somehow and the water would flood our driveway whenever it would rain hard. The reason Roland wanted assistance was to cut into the clay (that is what lies beneath the hill in our backyard.  It isn’t the kind of dirt designed for growing plants) and fill up the hole so that the water doesn’t come into the yard at all.  Thus he built a rough version of a beaver dam to plug up the hole.  I didn’t get any pictures as it is still a walk up the hill.

Three of Danny’s brothers came to assist on Thursday.  Jenna took several pictures of them laboring (the eldest of the three worked harder than the other two put together and so there are more pictures of him; I did not ask permission to share any photos and that is why I post with backs as opposed to faces)


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