Last Week
I would rather spend time with
family than on the computer. Some
weekends I rely on whatever posts may be in my draft folder and figured it
would be the same during Roland’s stay-cation and so I decided I would write
things down and hope that I would remember what it is I thought of to post.
I misplaced the little spiraled
notebook that I thought was in the car but cannot find it. I ended up writing down thoughts in three
notebooks and back of envelopes (whatever happened to be handy at the time). Roland’s vacation started last Monday.
He had gone out to clean up the yard. The skies were overcast and the temperature
was inviting. I went out to assist while
it was still nice – surprised that he was out there in the coolness as he tends
to wait for the absolute hottest part of the day.
We cleaned up the yard a bit. He pulled down some decayed trees and we cut
up a hose to fill our garbage can. Amber
wandered into the yard (I don’t know who the cat belongs to or if it even has a
name, but I call it Amber because that is the color of her eyes) and he told me
that we had one food left to give her.
Roland is kind as he is thoughtful
about feeding the birds and stray cats that come around. We have purchased birdseed and cat
food. He is allergic to feathers and I
have been allergic to cats. The cat food
box was empty and Roland told me to give the cat some milk. I didn’t give it a lot. I don’t think adult cats are supposed to have
milk. I think she’s somewhere between
the adult and kitten stage.
It was hot in the house or maybe
just felt that way because it was in the upper 50’s outdoors and probably in
the upper 60’s or 70’s inside. I didn’t
think turning the air conditioner would be useful but Roland insisted. So we left the air on so that it would be
cool when we went back inside.
I don’t know how long we worked
before Roland decided to call it quits.
We went inside and watched TV. I
started to play games on a kindle I had inherited from a friend who had upgraded. Thus far I have only used it to play games.
Roland surprised me when he offered
to play some board games with me. I
think we were playing Scrabble when Jenna returned.
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