
Showing posts with the label shopping

Vacation Barbie

               On Tuesday Jaime wanted to go out to Sandy and hang out with my brother Keith and his wife Natalee.   We called first to see if we could come.   We did not know that it would lead to our becoming another’s house guest.   Natalee had already made plans with a former neighbor of ours.   She and Marj (aka Peggy Bird) were going to see “ The Barbie Movie” and had invited us to attend with them.            To be honest, “ The Barbie Movie” was never on my agenda – especially for something to do while in Utah.   I was a bit floored to learn that it was something Marj had wanted to do.   Not only that she had offered to put Jaime and I up during the rest of our stay. Somehow the  wires were crossed and Marj seemed to be under the impression that Jaime and I were sleeping on the floor (which we were not)           As school was ...

Every Day is Saturday: Days Two and Three

               Cow Creek was given a huge amount of vaccines for their tribes and those working at Seven Feathers.   By the first week of March it was announced that any friends or family of those employed at Seven Feathers.   The announcement said that candidates had to be at least 65 years of age.   But when we called to get Roland set up, it was learned that I could be vaccinated also. Roland and I received our first shot on March 16.   We were given cards which provided a date indicating when we would be available for our second shot on April 13.   We hadn’t heard from the clinic and so went down to see if we could get in.   That’s when we learned that April 13 was not the accurate next shot date but the date of eligibility.   We still had to set up an appointment. The soonest we could get in was yesterday. Now just to backtrack a bit.   If you are a faithful reader you will remember we spent Roland’...

Avatars and Peculiar People

           Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have always been referred to as “a strange and peculiar people”. Perhaps one reason is because many members will spend time getting high on life instead of drugs.   We march to the beat of a different drummer in many minds – and while there are many who may find us odd, there are just as many who may admire us because of our values and being able to face challenges with a different perspective.           I remember both Corey and Joh were present when my youngest son got married.  As they waited for us on the outside and walked around temple square (I guess) Joh had many questions and would ask Corey – who by then had not been a member on record due to his excommunication (see here )  It was then that Corey understood why members are often called “a strange and peculiar people”.       ...

The Day (and Night) Before New Year's Eve

          Roland had tweaked  a recipe found in this book:              The reason being is because we did not have all the required ingredients, but it was good.   A little dry.   The next day I decided I would go to the store and purchase some queso to add to it as Roland made enough for 12 people and we didn’t have that many eating.              I was just going to go to Ray’s or Dollar General and come right back.   But Roland asked could I pick up this and that and oh, how about some shrimp . . .?   I wasn’t planning on going to Roseburg.   Dollar General doesn’t have shrimp and I doubt Rip Off Rays would have it either.   And if they did . . . really?   Was I willing to max my debit card for the assortment of items?           Jenna had just barely cleared the t...

Too Busy To Be Called “Vacation”

            It feels like a Saturday.   I suspect most of the days this week will feel like Saturdays.   On the 21 st my post gives a little detail about my dental experience.   The Novocain wore off eventually – long after the dentist was closed.   I don’t know when I first noticed that my teeth were not feeling right.   Well, two in particular.   Was it the tooth he just worked on?   The bite on the right side of my mouth made contact before anything on my left.   It didn’t hurt but was quite annoying.             I remember the dentist and his assistant having me bite on a paper and saw off some more.   Wait a minute!   I don’t think I am finished.   Something is sticking up that’s not supposed to.             That was Wednesday.   I allowed myself t...

How Great the Art of Being Able to Laugh Despite the Pain of Observation

            On March 22 of this year Corey posted to his blog for the first time in two years.   Apparently it had been due to a request made when I mentioned how much I had missed reading his posts.   But that is his most recent - nothing more.   So last night he called me to relate his "Walmart" experience - although he really was not at Walmart.   It just felt like he was.   I laughed at his misfortunes.   It was nice to go to bed with a smile on my face.   But Corey does have a knack with relating experiences and telling stories and even making announcements with an entertaining flair.   So the following is a second-hand account of the things that he related to me.             First off he had to renew something - he must have mentioned it at least three times, but I failed to understand exactly what it was that he was renewing...

PowerPoint part 3: DST is so Annoying!

        As I was somewhat stressed by the midterm and final of my history class, I decided to get a jump start on the final for my philosophy class (which ended May 26 this year).  I ended up changing the PowerPoint three times however as I was supposed to work fallacies into the document - which I didn't foresee as a problem until I was told I'd have to provide the name for the fallacy.  Oh, Oh ... I thought that might be a problem.         So we were supposed to pick a topic and have premises and conclusions for the Pro as well as the Con . . . my original PowerPoint was very one-sided and so I had to redo to include the opposite.  I brought in a fallacy slide which didn't feel like it belonged.  I didn't think I'd receive full credit as it still felt one-sided.  It was hard!  The more research I did, the more biased I was about having to set clocks every six months.  So this was...

7th Day of Christmas

                     Today’s challenge is to think about the best parts of my life while waiting in line or at a stop light.  I am done waiting in line this season.  There is one traffic light in Myrtle Creek and one in Tri-City.  I am never at either light long enough to reflect my life.  The best part of my life may be now or since we moved to Oregon because I am not so uptight.  I miss my sibs and families, but overall, I really am happier living in Oregon.                 Day four I had a problem.  I wrote a lot of detail about why.  Roland wanted to go shopping.  I don’t like shopping.  I try to remain positive.  It was a Saturday in December. He wanted to go furniture shopping.  He wanted to take Jenna with us.  The idea of shopping with both Roland...