
Showing posts with the label fires

I Didn’t Wish to Jinx it

                I have been quite lame about posting to my blog this summer.  The weather wipes me out.  Either I am so hot that I can’t think or I’m being sent to a coma by the a/c or fans . . . . or winds.  I have been feeling blessed with the lack of smoke that we have seen this month – although the last two days have brought a haze that I can barely see.  Richard and Jaime can smell it but I cannot.  I’ve had the windows open and just thought it was overcast.                I’ve been checking the fire map and have not noticed any fires along I5.   Richard says this is blowing from the east of us and is the worst fire in all of Oregon history.   All the fires have been given names – usually after the area it is burning.   This one is called the Durkee Fire – just west of Boise, Idaho ( here ).   Oh, my heck!     ...

The Heat Was the Villain

         Disneyland was not as decked out as I had expected.  I had asked Jaime if she had seen any Villains.  She had but was disappointed that there hadn ’ t been more.  But then again it was hot.  Cast members dressed up and photographers available to take pictures.  Lines formed for that.  Oh, no way.  Too hot.  Just wait until I get home and photoshop myself in.        So from the train I took the back of the entrance that we personally did not use. We saw Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy in their Halloween attire.   I don ’ t know how long they had to be out there for.   Wearing those costumes would be its own challenge in cool weather.   I can ’ t imagine how much more hot they felt in 107 degree weather.        Here are some photos taken from both my camera and Richard ’ s phone.   this one found on Google images

Discover a Reason

        I just read my brother ’ s latest post in which he mentions paying fees towards a park that he never uses.  It is annoying paying fees for something in which you don ’ t feel a part.  For example there are many paying taxes for schools when they have no children.  Those who reside in Myrtle Creek pay taxes on a small airport.  I remember a man complaining about it. At the time I didn ’ t even realize there was an airport in Myrtle Creek.  And though it ’ s true that no commercial planes will ever land here, and I will never personally train to fly, I do reap benefits of having an airport so close to my house as I had mentioned in this post .         My brother took a picture of himself at the park – I don ’ t know from the photo how big the park is or if there is a playground or walking trail available.  If so, I would think that it has the potential of being a good source of giving children or walkers a pl...

Well, it was on my agenda . . .

  Though not necessarily today – it had to be done.  Still isn ’ t complete, but it has now become a family project that will need our attention – especially if Richard thinks he ’ ll have to watch TV. I have been aware for some time that we would need to go through our evacuation bags – in the event that we will need them.   Richard has packed them so full that they are so heavy – especially his as he has extra items – such as a square pan.   Though small, it still makes it a challenge for closing the bag.   Also heavy.   So it has at least two purposes.   Cooking or a weapon for clobbering – should we feel the need. We were looking for something specific but as long as two of them were open I thought I would pull out everything!   Why in the world do we feel the need for that many clothes?   Why not make a separate piece of luggage JUST for clothes?   Though that would not work if we are not all together.   Jai will be m...

The Skies Are Filled With Smoke and Helicopters

The airport is within walking distance.   Each year we can hear the helicopters .   Some are looking out.   Most appear carry buckets that appear to be half the size of the helicopter.   Each year the chopper noise increases – or seems to anyway.       More than it did in 2019 when the fires were so close and in 2017 when the entire state was on fire.   We were surrounded by smoke from every direction and wouldn’t have been able to safely evacuate as every direction had fires burning.   Even last year.     Smokey skies can sometimes make for amazing sunsets.   I would rather not have the amazing sunset and have no smoke.   Bless the firefighters who risk their lives to keep us safe. Here is one that Jenna took

In the Blink of an Eye

I had made a purchase at Dollar General the other day.  The cashier asked if I would like a bag.  I had momentarily forgotten about the single – use-plastic ban that had been ordered just over a year ago. -signs-laws-banning-plastic-bags-straws/558262/ Dollar General gave out yellow bags before the end of 2019.   Recyclable gray ones were ordered.   They are not as appealing to the eye – nor do they fold over to line the trash can properly.   But they are definitely sturdier.   Five or ten cents per bag is still less than a state tax would be.     I get why it was ordered.   There are so many people who are concerned about the environment and will properly dispose of trash.   There are just as many who are careless – some who just let things fall where they land and don ’ t bother with disposal.   Sometimes the litter is accidental – like when the wind blows and ca...

Smokey Haze

  When I laid down on Sunday night I could see the stars I have not seen the sky since then. It’s hazy in the morning.   Eerie fog And when the fog disappears Hazy Sky Smoke from the California fires. And we still don’t have the worst of it. I could smell the smoke through the window Two weeks ago when it was combined with Oregon fires. I don’t smell it now.   But I can see the haze. It’s like a taking a beautiful scenic picture With a dirty lens.

Hodgepodge of Thoughts

            I have been thinking of an assortment of things lately – none seem post worthy however.   I haven ’ t come up with any great ways to transfer my thoughts.   So perhaps I ’ ll just assign numbers.   1.       I ’ ve driven many mornings without having to deal with school buses and I always forget.   Thus I have been leaving the house a wee bit earlier in order to pick up Jenna who does go to seminary in person – at least for the time being. 2.       On our return we pass the middle school which has always had a flashing light signal before the turn.   But I have not seen the signal since mid-summer.   I told the crossing guard about it.   Thus far it isn ’ t working still. 3.       I ’ ve seen a lot more construction signs and reflective cones set up all over Myrtle Creek.   And they somehow become permanent additions as t...

The Elements and Aftermath of 2020 (thus far)

  The air is thick and white where I live.    *abc - Portland Other parts of Oregon are yellow and orange – like San Francisco.    share from facebook I doubt there is any blue sky that can be seen on the entire west coast.    *abc news *abc - California Forget COVID.   Forget politics and presidential candidates.   People have lost their homes in more way than one. They’ve either been burnt to the ground or criminals have come to ransack and destroy their houses in other ways.   Aside from material possessions which can be replaced are sentiments that are lost. # AP Photo/Paula Bronstein I was watching abc news that provided the following:   I remember the air quality in 2017 not being so great – and according to this chart 2018 was even worse and 2020 is the worst year yet.   I had heard about how bad it was but did not share in bad air quality until after Labor Day.   I feel blessed that this is the worse it has...

Labor Day Stars and Air Quality

            Just six and a half months before the pandemic Roland, Jenna and I had gone to Bandon.   And yet it feels like decades ago since we made that trip on Labor Day weekend last year. I did not think about that Labor Day until yesterday when I was looking for a picture of the fog.             We chose not to go anywhere this year due to COVID.   When Labor Day had turned into night I was lying in bed and looking up at the stars.   What a beautiful sight to see stars all summer.   I didn’t realize that Labor Day would be my last opportunity even though I spent several minutes admiring the twinkles (which appeared to be twinkling as the fan had been lightly moving the blinds). The next day the RS pres. had picked up to attend a mini-RS meeting.   We’ve had four now beginning in Canyonville, Riddle, Working sisters, and Tri-City.   Will have one more in Myrtle Creek.   I enjoye...

Swallowed Up

                                                  this photo shows the opposite.  Sky is white and sun is blood red Evacuations are taking place all around the state Douglas County has had some fires Douglas County is large and so we aren’t always directly infected at Myrtle Creek and have not seen smoke all summer and so I can’t complain about it only today did the smoke swallow the mountains It almost feels overcast outside and yet there's a yellow/orange/white reflection from the sky. The smoke has left the sun with an awesome glow that has an eerie feel to it when it peers through my windows like in science fiction movies when the aliens are about to invade.   But it is 2020 after all.   The last six months have seemed like a work of science fiction.   I think it...

The Heat is ON

from             The river beds are already low           Now there’s a fire in Days Creek           I heard the helicopters this morning           I don’t hear them anymore           Could that mean that the fire is out?           Now if we could just get this pandemic fire Under control Helicopter passed again before I added the pictures.  Days Creek is further away so it takes them longer.