Swallowed Up
this photo shows the opposite. Sky is white and sun is blood red
Evacuations are taking place
all around the state
Douglas County has had some
Douglas County is large and so
we aren’t always
directly infected at Myrtle
Creek and have not seen
smoke all summer and so I can’t
complain about it
only today did the smoke
swallow the mountains
It almost feels overcast outside and yet
there's a yellow/orange/white reflection from the sky.
The smoke has left the sun with an awesome
glow that has an
eerie feel to it when it peers
through my windows like
in science fiction movies when
the aliens are
about to invade. But it is 2020 after all.
The last six months have
seemed like a
work of science fiction. I think it looks like this on
the entire west coast right
This all took place within a matter of minutes. I can now barely see the house across the street. I guess we'll be using masks not only for COVID but to hopefully breath under all this enveloping smoke. (cough, cough)
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