What a Difference

           When the stay-at-home order was given in March, there was a great number of people who did stay home but there were many who had the attitude that “I still have freedom . . . nobody tells me what to do . . .” and have contributed to American stupidity ever since.

I don’t like Walmart for many reasons but Roland just so happens to have a Walmart card and Roseburg has a Walmart and so we have been there numerous times – though I have not accompanied him as often as Jenna who wanted to go to Roseburg last and I wanted to stay home with Bonnie (the dog) but Roland had me go and Jenna stay.

Because there was no iodized salt offered at Costco, Roland wanted to stop by Walmart first to get some.  The last time we had gone to Walmart there was a line of people waiting for consumers to exit the store and were allowed so many at a time (depending on the amount leaving) maintaining a social distancing.  Everybody required to wear masks.

Now it’s every man for himself, masks are optional.  And evidently a client can clean a shelf off of product and it doesn’t seem to matter how much is being hordered.  (We purchased 24 cans of salt which pretty much wiped out the inventory on the floor).  Wal-Mart caters to Pharisees.

We then went to Costco to purchase other bulk items such as toilet paper and paper towels.  Everyone was social distancing.  Everyone was wearing masks.  That’s how it should be.  We should still be on a stay-at-home order because our moving to phases one and two were not gradual enough.  At least I am in Oregon and not in Florida right now.  There’s a state with many problems.  Is their governor good friends with Donald Trump?   Is he trying to outshine his criminal mind?  It’s as though the leadership (or lack thereof) in the state is experiencing PMS.

We had wanted to purchase three large packages of toilet paper but were allowed only one.  Costco knows that there is still a pandemic.  I like Costco.  Don’t like Walmart.  Chewed Roland out this morning and said I don’t ever want him going to Walmart again.  Not during the pandemic.  He has made the decision not to attend church and I guarantee you that the Church is being so much more careful than Walmart and we have a lot more room than we did on the airplaine going to New York (which was a careless thing on our part – I don’t ever want to fly again even when the pandemic is over.  I do not like being squashed! 

Thank you Costco for sticking by your guns. 


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