Women of Righteousness - Our Role in the Work of Salvation

I’m not good at taking notes at conferences or Spiritual meetings. I get so caught up in trying to get the exact quote or comment or whatever that I end up missing on so much more. Last night there was a Relief Society stake activity called “Women of Righteousness” featuring artist Megan Rieker. I didn’t think the event well advertised - at least in our ward. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Turned out to be a truly eventful night. And I learned things – not just about the artist paintings but discoveries within the past as well as my own self. I’d taken an art appreciation class several years ago in order to appreciate fine art more than I do. It backfired. I often rolled my eyes when learning about contrast and balance and was more unappreciative about the entire fine art world long before the class was over. I started looking at paintings and wore less-than-flatteri...